MovieChat Forums > Her (2014) Discussion > Don't understand the love for this film

Don't understand the love for this film

The story idea itself was quite interesting. Guy falls for disembodied character. Not so far fetched when you consider people who fall in love over the phone or communicating in writing.

What put me off was the whole vibe of the film. Everything was so dull and bleak. No one seemed to have a life and most of them were *beep* hipsters.

Theodore himself was a weirdo, and that's before he even met Samantha, and the only person to call him out for this only did so because he refused to have sex with her.

Overall a dull, miserable excuse of a film.


Yeah, I thought this sucked too. The idea of a man falling in love with an A.I. really isn't all that big of a stretch from countless other sci-fi movies such as Blade Runner or A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Hell, this exact premise was even used in SpongeBob with the character Plankton literally having a computer for a wife. So in terms of plot, this movie really isn't treading new ground.

But what really bothers me is its execution. Jonze's direction just feels incredibly artificial to me. He seems to think telling an intimate story just means having lots and lots of close-ups of your lead actor staring into the camera looking sad. With this style, I often felt as though I was watching a commercial or a tear-jerky music video instead (no surprise really, when one looks at Jonze's background) and as such, was never drawn into the story. It also makes the movie incredibly slow, as there's so much time devoted to these stupid fucking stares.

Bottom line: stop the fucking staring!!!
