Two minutes in and...

I turned it off. Wow, the characters are so unpleasant and obnoxious.


Good for you.

The Principal-Allen Gregory dream sequence is frankly the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life.




This is even worse than Bob's Burgers and Sit Down Shut Up combined.


It is pretty bad, Julie is the most interesting character but its about the obnoxious twat Allen unfortunately. He's not even funny in a Cartman/Peter Griffin/Bender way.


Yay, im glad people here understand how bad this show is. I'm a serious h8er! i hate this show so bad. and there are people on this board who absolutely love this show. It pains me to see this because they are members of this world. They like the rape and forced homosexuality, the Pedophilia and making fun of 3rd world countries. It goes to show what a world we live in.


This is awful. Allen Gregory must die!


^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!


I only by accident saw the last 15 minutes of the one last night (something about a sex tape). I had never heard of this show. So far I liked what I saw. I'll be taping subsequent ones to see if it's still good.

I don't get that whole paradigm of equating hating a character with the inability to like the situation. It's not even on my radar to NOT like something because I also happen to think all main characters are dislikable. Unpleasant and obnoxious are indeed traits that could compel me to observe. It's not as if I would actually be friends with any of these imaginary characters.

A show full of pricks isn't inherently unwatchable.


^^^ from the way you sound i think you could use all the friends u could get. You sound pompous and annoying. This show has no funny moments. I have cringed more than i have smiled. If you think the fact a 7 year old and a 60 year old should have sex and made a sex tape you need help.


And from the way YOU sound, I think you need to realize that this is a cartoon which is written to be absurd. Of course that premise is inappropriate/cringe-inducing, but that's kind of the whole point. Just because you don't find it funny doesn't mean it isn't, generally speaking.


The show isn't funny, and if you think it is then you're sick in the head. How could someone normal like this show? Pedophilia is a major theme. You like watching little boys have sex? Because if you like this show then the answer is yes.


That's all you keep talking about + it's only one facet of the show.


It's the *beep* main plot you cock! Then there is rape of a straight man and the forced homosexuality. Oh and lets all laugh at the people from 3rd world countries because there poor and we are better than them? Yeah it's a great show!


you are very focussed on paedophilia and (forced) homosexuality it seems.
I don't want to jump to any conclusions but you see where I'm going with this.
oh yeah, also...................



A very unfunny one.


But cringing IS an acceptable (and often desirable) emotion to have when being entertained. Remember, this is NOT real life. It's like watching a scary movie and being scared out of your wits. I LOVE when this happens, but I wouldn't want it to happen in REAL life.

That scene in Jaws that freaked out most people was awesome - but I would never want that to ACTUALLY happen, just as I wouldn't ACTUALLY want a 60 year old to make a sex tape with a child.

How can you not understand this separation of reality and fiction?



Same here.


I couldn't stand it. I wanted to give it a chance, because I like to make up my own mind about shows. I tried hard to look for something funny, but I was just frowning the whole time. The story and characters are a good premise. However, every joke just sounds like another Jonah Hill line. It's the same thing over and over. It's just making mean, sarcastic remarks. They're not even funny, just mean and sarcastic. There are plenty of other shows who pull off mean and sarcastic in a much more clever and funny way.

I should give a background of my taste. My favorite adult cartoons would be Life & Times of Tim, Home Movies, Mission Hill, Sealab, Family Guy, old South Park, and recently I've seen Bob's Burgers and think it's pretty funny. My favorite comedy show is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia which is full of vulgarity and mean humor, but it just works.


Of course it's Jonah Hill


> I turned it off. Wow, the characters are so unpleasant and obnoxious.

Just like Jonah Hill (the creator) in every one of his movies.
