PUNCH A BABY! Awesome.

If the whole reason to create computer generated images was to punch babies in the face then the whole thing was worth it. I swear to God, I would sit through an entire Adam Sandler movie (with Rob Schneider as a cost-star) just to watch him punch babies in the face. Punching babies in the face is awesome. Making it super slow-motion with 'My Country Tis of Thee' playing in the background only made it more awesome.

I hope this becomes a Hollywood trend. I want another Rocky sequel were Rocky faces off against an army of drooling babies and he has to punch each one of them in the face to send them flying out of the ring. I want James Bond or Indian Jones or the entire cast of the Expendables have a running gag where every single time the deliver a clever line there just happens to be a baby nearby and- "Hasta la vista, BABY!" POW! Punch that baby in the face.


Even though I thought that scene was hilarious (and also what Cam Brady says about it afterward) I think it would quickly get old if it became a trend in film. Much of what makes it funny is the fact that (at least to my knowledge) it's never been done before, certainly not for comedic effect.

By the way, if this did happen in real life, anyone know just what kind of damage it would do to an infant if a grown man still in his prime (but only average strength) hit the baby full force? Would it perhaps result in the child's death?


I'm not a doctor but I have an EMT certification and so infant care was covered a bit, as well as dealing with traumatic injuries. I would say that there is at least a 50-75% chance the baby would die immediately, and if it didn't it would definitely be knocked unconscious, possibly into a coma, and suffer significant long term brain damage and probably a broken spine and numerous skull fractures.

The inside of the human skull is covered in ridges and spines and when the brain bounces around in there, it's bad news. The fist would be extremely dangerous but any secondary injuries like against a wall or the floor is what would really present the greatest health risk, imo.

Don't punch babies. Funny scene though.


You're right, it would have been funnier if the baby died.


No. Where do you idiots come from? Go back there please.


Ugh. Stop crying, go back to your protest at the abortion clinic.


Is it too late for you to be aborted? The world would be better off. And bonus, your mom could finally get her basement back once she airs out all of your stale stench. GO AWAY.


Thanks for the butthurt-fuelled rant. Go watch Ice Age and stop crying.


Go back to watching Dane Cook while enjoying your circle jerks.


it would have been way too dark and controversial for the baby to die or suffer any kind of serious injuries.

It probably would in real life, babies necks are not strong so it would be easy to break the babies neck. Though you can tell by Ferells facial reaction (remember the scene was shown in slow mo) that he realized what he was about to do just before making contact so he did try and restrain himself at the last second rather than hit the infant in full force.


awwwww poor baby!


I never heard of this movie, but I just saw a commercial showing the baby punching negative attack ad since the movie is due to be played because it is election day here. Needless to say, I have set my DVR to record it.
