MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > Imagine China sends Forces to Detroit to...

Imagine China sends Forces to Detroit to kill someone...

If you liked Bin Laden's killing,

then you also must like this -




BS comparison. The US does not harbor terrorist leaders, only Commie and Muslim nations do.

Three More Years! Carbon Taxes! NSA!


Sooo... it's been what, twelve years now? And you people still believe that it was an attackt orchestrated by a millionaire, ex-CIA guy based in Afghanistan who... well, disliked America for the "American way of life"? Are you seriously that infantile? Maybe you still believe that North Korea threats to attack US because they just simply can't help their hatred towards your "democracy"? Or that Japan actually thought it was a brilliant idea to carpet-bomb Pearl Harbor during WWII? I think you'll never wake up. You'll let your country transform into a new and even worse USSR, where everything and everyone is constantly controlled and watched, and you'll be actually happy about that, because it'll "All be for your safety and comfort!". You'll learn what they say you should learn, you'll eat what they say you should eat, you'll buy what they say you should buy, you'll do a job that they say is the best job for you, for the safety and comfort of the society. You'll be completely enslaved and mindlessly happy and confident about it, just because you've been told that you should be.

Oh, wait, you already are.


Bin Laden hatred of America started when the Saudi's turned down his request to use his forces from Afghanistan in Kuwait to defend it from Iraq during the Gulf War. The Saudis spurned OBL and that shame started it all. He said multiple times why he did it and you have heard them as well.

North Korea? They threaten the United States every day because with us backing the South, there is no way they could conquer the South and unify the whole country as they desperately want to.

I damn sure aint worrying about my country becoming like the USSR. Citizens would NEVER let it get to that point, whether you believe it or not.

Haters gonna hate


Detroit would kick China's ass all by itself.

Even the Seals wouldn't go in to downtown Detroit at night.


Haha I was thinking that too.

I'm imagining the Seal team who killed Bin Laden, being told to go into downtown Detroit at night ... and being like "What are you crazy? Guys it's not safe, can we please wait till morning?"


Detroit would kick China's ass all by itself.

Good point. I feel sorry for any Chi-coms being sent to Detroit. Good luck with that


Look at all these naive americans.

I'm sure you'd be fine with 9+ years of Chinese drones flying in US airspace, killing civilians and children too. And they are Christian/Jewish terrorists. And they are white. Any white person who looks like they have a weapon or who look suspicious(they have an umbrella out? That looks like an RPG! Must waste them!) are all fair game. So the Chinese kill terrorists(against US wishes, they protest all drone strikes in their airspace), and all up they have killed 400-900 innocents in 9 years, and that's just in one state.. and all this just to catch one guy, or as revenge for a plane that slammed into one Chinese building on one day.

And this is AFTER the Chinese invaded Canada(Iraq) by mistake and are still occupying Canada and have turned it into rubble. So they are using Canada as a military outpost now, along with Mexico too(Afghanistan), who they have also turned into rubble. All up, including Canada and Mexico, they have killed THOUSANDS of civilians, much more than the 3000 in 9/11 attacks.

Oh, and they are also drone bombing Hawaii(Yemen) too, because a few of them also went there for a holiday once.

And finally, basically every drone strike destroys more and more infrastructure. Destroying roads, destroying little towns too. Their justification for this is that the US is not doing enough to capture these terrorists. The Chinese also claim that your intelligence agencies(CIA/NSA etc) are also training terrorists, and funding terrorists and various dictatorships around the world, which goes directly against the mission of 'the war against terror', and thus actually causing the terrorism in the first place. They(HSBC) are then also laundering money for Al Qaeda. They even bailed out these banks! They are then also waging a 'war on drugs', but are also laundering money for drug cartels in Mexico. And then we also find out that the vice president(Dick Cheney) has a private company(Haliburton amongst others), which is making a profit off these wars/occupations. Oh wait, these are not actually hypotheticals and is actual reality..

You would be fine with all of this huh? Yes, i'm really sure you would be. American hypocrisy and naivety is the funniest thing ever.


I am not US, and I believe they tend to be naive (or some of them at least) but your claim (400-900 innocents in 9 years) is somewhat neglectible to the number of casualties on US (and the likes) sides. If we make this about the Islam-fanatics against the other fanatics, there is a huge difference in the number of civillian casualties.

Though US usually (or maybe I am being naive here) tries to avoid making collateral damage, the Islamic dudes seem to pick their assault spots based on "as many people as possible, without the risk of encountering too many millitary guys".


Buzz off, if you hate America so much just leave and go back to your home. Wherever that ****hole is.

At least in America, you can hold discussions like this without getting shot at, stoned to death or sent to labor camps.

America is the only beacon of hope for freedom and justice in the world. It's a tough job but someone got to do it. Without the United States of America ya'll be living under Nazi, Communist or some other totalitarian rule where talkers like ex0 would be the first to be forced into the gulag.

Doesn't matter what you argue. It doesn't matter who you are, Chinese, African, Iranian, muslim, Christian, whatever. Don't mess with America and America won't mess with you.


"America is the only beacon of hope for freedom and justice in the world."

"Don't mess with America and America won't mess with you."

Yeah, riiiight. Thanks for the laugh, bud. Pursuing own interests, this is the only thing the USA is doing, moron.


Sorry the only way you care to make your point is through calling the opposition names.

If you were as intelligent as you think you are, you wouldn't stoop to such tactics.

Shame on you.

"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"


America is the only beacon of hope for freedom and justice in the world.


If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.


No ill-will towards Americans, but some Americans are just too naive and they spout nonsense without even thinking about rational outcomes. That beacon of hope for freedom you were mentioning, please don't take it for granted because it was fought through the shedding of ancestral bloods somewhat through a series of civil wars. Naive Americans may actually be the country's greatest undoing. Will you expect a great nation to rely on infantile patriotism like those paragons of naivety on display or do you think the people should start giving it a proper thought?


America is the only beacon of hope for freedom and justice in the world.

I just vomited all over my laptop. Thanks a lot.


America is the only beacon of hope for freedom and justice in the world.

I think America is great, but this made me laugh 

Very good. But brick not hit back!


The only mildly interesting thing about your thread is you equate China with USA and Detroit with Abbottabad. WTF?


Can't wait to see the film when the U.S sends in troops to Russia to take out Edward Snowden.


The stupidity of some on these boards is staggering.


The stupidity of some on these boards is staggering.


If China sent anyone to Detroit to kill anyone they would be in a for a rude awakening. They might get Helo-Jacked on 8-Mile. Ni Hau Ma, where my choppa go?

Girly you should stick to researching a better teenaged acne treatment than on debating the complexities of international relation and geopolitics....just saying.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


I hate to admit it but I live near Detroit and used to joke with my friends that if they attacked Detroit on 9-11 all the international reporters would be looking around thinking "So what part did they attack exactly?"

Just to be even more of a jerk I would comment on the fact that Arabs run most (think 99%) of the party stores around here and if you saw all the alcoholics and other derelicts they do they probably called home and said "Come on-we can take these dudes no problem!"

Don't worry-I'm the biggest USA and even Detroit booster out there, I'm just keeping it real yo!

Even though 9-11 was horrible the OP does have a point that alot of these countries are surrounded by threats and it's a whole different ball game when it's in your own back yard, literally. Most Americans don't appreciate how beneficial it is to be on the other side of two great oceans and the real and perceived security it provides.


I do not believe that is the point the OP was trying to make. The jist of it, at least IMHO, is that she believes attacking lets say AStan for 911 is wrong. The guilt trip that we should feel bad.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
