MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > Imagine China sends Forces to Detroit to...

Imagine China sends Forces to Detroit to kill someone...

If you liked Bin Laden's killing,

then you also must like this -



If the someone from the US had gone to China and killed almost three thousand people (and counting), and a group of Chinese soldiers then entered the US and took him out, I'd say "Well, right or wrong, he had that coming".

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!



Since when an ILLUSION is capable of murdering one person, let alone three thousand?


if china send forces to detroit to kill a terrorist? more power to china, they'll be more than welcome. we'll probably make a holiday for china's good deeds


If Pakistan had not sheltered Bin Laden, no one would have had to intervene from outside.



Nice try, OP.


If Pakistan had not sheltered Bin Laden, no one would have had to intervene from outside.

Agreed. Anyone who believes we wouldn’t have raided an empty building if we’d tipped off the Pakistanis about the raid should contact me about great rates on ocean front property in Colorado.


Agree, but I'm not sure Pakistan officially sheltered OBL? Maybe bureaucratic ignorance?
And agree, nice try OP

■-■'s a whole lot harder to shine.... than undermine.


Agree, but I'm not sure Pakistan officially sheltered OBL? Maybe bureaucratic ignorance?

Define officially. The ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency is clearly compromised to say the least. I find it almost impossible to buy into the notion that nobody in the ISI knew Bin Laden was in Abbottabad.


In 1973 Mossad killed a innocent waiter in Lillehammer Norway, the agents got caught and was sentenced to prison for a few years then released.

It does happen, Mossad has also kidnapped old nazi's in South America, but they atleast stood trial. Executions on streets are luckily rare.


Well, if this person who lived in Detroit was the leader of a terrorist organisation who had killed more than three thousand innocent Chinese civilians in terrorist attacks, and the US government wasn't doing enough to help find him, then YES, I would support China's actions.

Do you not support Bin Laden's killing? Or does it make you a SAAAAAAAD Panda?


I'm pretty pro-America, but if there was a terrorist in Detroit who killed 3,000 Chinese and Americans knew about it, I'd say the Chinese have the right to come in and take him out. It actually happens all the time amongst countries - you think assassinations don't happen?


Without doubt, one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on IMDB.



"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"


Problem is if he fights for us against commies he is Freedom fighter else ......


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Soviet Union represented a much, much bigger threat when we were giving aid to the future Taliban.

Realpolitik is a bitch and life is full of tradeoffs.
