MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > So why did Argo win over this?

So why did Argo win over this?

I mean, Argo was certainly good, but there were way better movies in 2012 like The Master, this, and Django Unchained.

People are complaining about it being American propaganda, how is this American propaganda if it puts it's actions in the hunt for Osama bin Laden in a negative light? Really. People that say this is propaganda probably never watched it, and/or are too thick to understand it.


I thought this one deserved it also. It is a real easy movie to get into, I've watched parts of it several times on television, catching it halfway through then just finishing it. Argo, however, doesn't have that quality. It's kind of boring the second time through in my opinion, and the ending is silly. It's still fun watching Jon Goodman do his thing, though. Alan Arkin was great as well. Besides, they just gave Hurt Locker best picture a few years ago, that alone makes the odds against another Bigelow film set in the Mideast winning the best picture award, which is a shame, as ZD30 is the better of those two as well.


I liked Argo more than Zero Dark Thirty.

Or if you want a cynical reason, the Academy felt bad about snubbing Ben Affleck in the best director race and voted Argo to win best picture so he would win a trophy as one of Argo's producers.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


ZeroDark Thirty was a great propaganda movie, not even Joseph Goebbels could have done better. But too violent for my taste



this didnt win because it got leaked about the scenes of tortue and created controversy


Because Argo was a puff piece to the glory of good ole USA with a lot of fake action and ZDT was a gritty slow paced drama about the war on terror and the impact it had on the people who fight it?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Because it wasn't a snoozefest like this piece of garbage.

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.


So why did Argo win over this?

Because political correctness.
"Liking ZDT = Approving torture"

Yep. That's the world we live in.
