MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > So why did Argo win over this?

So why did Argo win over this?

I mean, Argo was certainly good, but there were way better movies in 2012 like The Master, this, and Django Unchained.

People are complaining about it being American propaganda, how is this American propaganda if it puts it's actions in the hunt for Osama bin Laden in a negative light? Really. People that say this is propaganda probably never watched it, and/or are too thick to understand it.


I guess because it was less ridiculous.


You mean more plain and less complex? I would never call Zero Dark Thirty ridiculous. It's a dark tale of obsession with lots of interesting and varied imagery. So a movie should be considered ridiculous for tackling a well known subject in an interesting way? Bigelow is way better than Affleck (though I don't think he's a bad director/actor).

Would you honestly have picked Argo out of all the movies in 2012? Give me a break.


Well, both are ridiculously distorted stories of American operations. I personally don't believe at all that Osama died in Abottabad on the day the US government says he died. So this movie is a fake representation of a fake story.


I don't personally believe they falsified most info on his death since I tend to default to, 'it's not a conspiracy.'

But both are very distorted indeed, but that shouldn't be what you judge a movie on. That's absolutely *beep* stupid. It's art.

Edit: I always thought the *beep* things were intentional and done by 12 year olds that feel too guilty about swearing on the internet. Apparently it's automatic. You learn new things every day.


Didn't the President have a live feed of the operation? How could they fake the day of his death under those circumstances? Barack Obama along with various other top government staff watched it happen in real time.


Live shmive. What do you think the quality of that live feed was? All green, blurry and shaking like mad. It's preposterous to think that someone would be able to recognize *beep* from there. Even the seals probably couldn't say for sure if they shot Osama or someone else. And how could they tell? They follow orders. Go to this house, on the second floor there is a man - kill him. So they do. It's not a picnic, no time to stare at faces and make statements like: "Hey this guy doesn't look much like that dude, are you sure we shot the right one?" It's a huge frantic mess done in the middle of the night, and everyone who can say something is legally gagged to keep their mouth shut. Not that a seal would even feel the need to point out inaccuracies.


Surely they could get a look at his face after the house was cleared and he was dead?



Ha ha I was just thinking the same thing...of course all those post-2011 videos that Osama has posted prove the whole thing was staged and totally discredited all the US military...what? Oh wait, no, what, he hasn't??!

"A gorilla?! I couldn't *beep* a gorilla!


I bet you don't believe in the moon landing either, do you?


Actually I do believe in the moon landing. It seems your effort to mock me has failed. Tell me, in what other ways did you fail today?


So you're not as crazy as I thought, good job. You still sound like you wear a tin-foil hat.


I guess because it was less ridiculous
Lmao what now?

Hey I liked Argo, mainly for its pacing/ability to drag you in. But that ending at the airport is more ridiculous than any scene in any "realistic" thriller I can remember.

Also - what parts of ZD30 did you find ridiculous, and what facts are you basing that opinion on? Do you have inside information to certain US agencies? Do you know the protagonists or antagonists personally? etc etc.


I agree. ZD30 wasn't ridiculous at all.

In "Argo", I was only really drawn in by the bit where they are publicising the fake movie. I was pretty non-plussed by most of the rescue mission. They got a bunch of great actors and then gave them nothing to work with. All the people being rescued from Iran seemed bland and character-less. The studio execs in Hollywood were entertaining, but they were pretty unimportant in the main story.



Neither film deserved to win. I personally thought Django should have won


I would have said that until I saw this. I would not have minded Django Unchained winning at all though.


I haven't watched Argo yet, but I hope it is better than this garbage film.

It doesn't matter to me if Zero Dark Thirty is propaganda, whether it is real or fantasy - it is not a good movie. I've seen propaganda movies that were good. I've seen movies that stretch the truth / make up facts that were still quality movies. This one falls way short of a good movie

3 / 10


What in particular didn't you like? Because a 3/10 should only be for insincere, uninspired *beep*


Argo is definitely better propaganda than Zero Dark Thirty. I actually enjoyed the film quite a bit, despite its convenient timing (right when the US were trying to put a trade embargo on Iran). The movie was fantastic, though.


Argo was very good, but it just wasn't the best of the bunch to me. It appealed to the masses more, and it wasn't as complex or emotional as ZDT. Neither of these films are propaganda; I have no idea who started saying that crap.


One reason people always mention is because Oscar voters are Hollywood people, they like to vote for movies that glorify Hollywood. Argo did that. The story was about CIA agents using a movie production as cover for their operation.


A few months ago I had the pleasure of watching ZD30 again, which I didn't see since it was released. It changed my mind of who should have won the Oscar. While 'Argo' has a great mix of humor and suspense and I considered it worth of its Oscar, I thought 'Zero Dark Thirty' was more epic, with a great cast of characters lead by the wonderful Chastain. I felt the same epic sense like in 'Heat' or 'Inglourious Basterds'. Even Alexandre Desplat is better here than in 'Argo'. Kathryn Bigelow should have won for this instead of 'The Hurt Locker'.


My thoughts exactly. I saw all the Best Pic nominees for 2012 and this I thought was by far the best. It was just so raw and gripping and Jessica Chastain carried the movie in a substantial way.


Wanna know something funny?

Ive recently had conversations with people on IMDB who think that The Dark Knight Rises not only should have been nominated but also should have won Best Picture in 2012. This moron claimed that The Dark Knight Rises was too "right wing" and that's the only reason the Academy passed over it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *beep* delusional comic book movie fans.


Here here.
