MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > Dont understand the hate for this!

Dont understand the hate for this!

Dont understand why some people are hating on this film, I thought it was very good, very technically correct and well done. Is it just a case of there will always be some negativity towards anything that is politically motivated


Because no one hates like a liberal...


Yeah, they would rather see a movie about "good" muslims.

I shall be known from now on, as the Black Vegetable


Is it just a case of there will always be some negativity towards anything that is politically motivated

Mostly this. I don't even see this movie was have a particular political bent, but anything that deals with divisive issues is going to divide people, no matter how it's presented.


Because the entire film is a piece of lying propaganda. Read this:

for the REAL story.

It's just television, get over it! - David Letterman


that link looks like bs to me


There's a certain rush that comes from going against your own country, going against the establishment, the system, going against "the man".

--Same skulls full of mush that demonstrated in favor of communism on campus when I was in Junior College. --If ours was a communist country, they'd be demonstrating in favor of capitalism I swear.

If the film hated on America, the same people would be praising it as "edgy, revolutionary, and ground-breaking".

--If Maya had been an open lesbian, then that, plus critics would have been having multiple orgasms.

All the honest assessment of film and the arts is gone now. It's all about which god you worship. If you worship at the altar of modern secular humanism and the State, you're warmly accepted. If you worship or even appear to worship the Judeo-Christian God and support traditional America, you're ostracized.

It's that simple.


Did you know the supreme court legalized gay marriage nationwide? It's an American thing. Freedom for everyone.


It is simple. This film intimates that the use of torture produced information that was pivotal in "getting" Bin Laden. This has been proven to be untrue. Now films often play loose with the facts, but, for us true and moral Americans who were deeply ashamed by the illegal use of torture that gained absolutely no vital information, we do not like a film spreading the lies that torture DID provide vital information.

The film is almost as morally repugnant as The Triumph of the Will.


I agree. The implied message - whether simply dramatizing what happened or not -- was troubling. The physical and psychological torture of the captives was disturbing. But the movie was also boring, and slow as molasses. The dialogue was so bad and stilted and weak; even good actors like Jessica Chastain couldn't rise above it. (It had its moments but, for the most part, bad dialogue and boring.) I wanted to like it and couldn't. I didn't realize that Kathryn Bigelow had directed it (I guess I forgot) and was so disappointed when I saw that she had because I generally support and applaud her. A big movie can be good and entertaining without being all glossy and Hollywood, and (unlike The Hurt Locker) this movie just did not get there. It felt empty. (And offensive and racist, and (again) boring.)


I agree. I notice Ms. Bigelow has not directed a movie since this one. I wonder why.



It's always nice reading a post by a typical conservative moron, especially with a back-handed insult at our current president, as if we Liberals, who are ALL smarter than any conservative, forgot that conservatives gave us the worst president in history in George W. Bush.


It's always nice reading a post by a typical conservative moron, especially with a back-handed insult at our current president, as if we Liberals, who are ALL smarter than any conservative, forgot that conservatives gave us the worst president in history in George W. Bush.

I see it more in these terms:

It's always nice reading a post by a typical liberal moron, especially with a back-handed insult at our past president, as if we conservatives, who are ALL smarter than any liberal, forgot that liberals gave us the worst president in history in Barack Obama. 


Written like a true and clueless conservative. The facts, as if you conservatives believed facts, are

1. A study published this year found that, on average, the IQ's of a Liberal are ten points higher than that of a Conservative. So, yes, Liberals are smarter than Conservatives. The problem is, of course, that Conservatives are too dim to understand this fact.

2. Every poll by historians ranks Bush as one of the five worst presidents in history and all of them rank him worse than Obama. Of course, if you had any grasp on reality you wouldn't need a poll to tell you that a president who inherited a surplus and left an economy in the worst shape sine the thirties and one who invaded the wrong country after 9/11 and was responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands is, if not the worst president, pretty close to it.

Got it Gary? Those are the FACTS. Can that brain of yours grasp facts? My guess is probably not.


the worst US president in history is Obama, and this nightmare isn't even over yet.


Bush invaded Iraq. Over 4,000 Americans dead. Over 100,000 Iraqis dead. Over two trillion taxpayer dollars spent. The Middle Est completely destabilized.

When Bush took office the budget was in surplus. When he left the economy was in the worst shape since the 30's.

There is more but this should be enough.

NOW you tell me what has Obama done that is as bad as these two facts. Come on, brainiac, list the things that Obama has done that makes him a worst president than George W. Bush.


As Americans are clearly unable to agree about anything political, and are actually two nations united under nothing in particular, why not divide the Country between you and stop boring the rest of the World with your childish squabbles ?

Gordon P. Clarkson


Is it just a case of there will always be some negativity towards anything that is politically motivated


I'm not American and I thought it was a very good film too.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


America *beep* yeah! This is a pro torture movie and also promoting policy of GW Bush and other sick bastards like him. That´s why rational people hate it.


This is a pro torture movie and also promoting policy of GW Bush and other sick bastards like him.

He wasn't the one doing the Victory Laps. Was he?

"They haven't yet learned to think. They won't read. And they rarely listen. But they can see."
