MovieChat Forums > Cutback (2011) Discussion > A low-budget Indie but, nevertheless, an...

A low-budget Indie but, nevertheless, an outstanding coming-of-age drama

This is a low-budget, straight-to-video film and shows some of the limitations thereof, like questionable acting by some of the peripheral characters (e.g. Casey and Luke's boss), but it's Grade A at heart. Seriously, this is an outstanding coming-of-age drama. Despite some of the questionable acting I was able to buy into the characters and their story. The people became "real" to me because they ring true. Excellent job by the director, writers and cast in this regard.

What I especially liked was the overt-ness of things pertaining to God, like prayer and such. Mainline films (whether theatrical or TV) have to be "politically correct" in order to appeal to as wide an audience as possible. Anything having to do with God is typically watered down, (but not always, see the pull-no-punches "Black Death", as an example). Thankfully, independent films aren't as constrained in this respect and can therefore address "touchy areas" like God and faith.

"Cutback" boldly shows the awful truth along with the gospel truth. Mistakes happen, anger is flared, divorce is threatened, tragedy strikes and intense doubts are vented. But amidst all of this is the nobility of the central characters, which makes you root for them. Luke and Casey are bosom buddies, and it shows; there's a palpable attraction between Luke and Emily; Luke's dad is a weary cop who's understandably sick of being taken for granted at home; Luke's mother is a precious cornerstone of faith, but not without her own failings.

The film is also salted with inspirational scenes that are nigh life-changing. There's a potent discussion on integrity at a youth group that forces the viewer to check his/her own integrity; there's a marital counseling session that's similarly effective; there's a visceral response to tragedy and the equally visceral counter, albeit wisely subdued.

I'll be honest with you, low-budget Indie or not, this is one of the best coming-of-age dramas I've ever seen. It's inspirational, even enlightening, not to mention heart-warming and moving.
