Unrealistic premise

Howdy folks, this movie seems to have a wildly unrealistic premise. Given that the US has a majority of the population identifies as some sort of Christian, that the 1st Amendment guarantees our governments can’t curtail of compel any religious speech, and given that its unlikely that the voters of the US would vote in radical Senators Representatives and a President who would want to persecute a majority of the population, this has to count as the most speculative of fiction. A Communist or Nazi or Theocratic takeover of the US would be more likely. I can see that some right-wing Evangelical Christians may feel frightened or threatened by the social liberalization of US society in recent years, where being gay has become almost acceptable, gay rights, including marriage rights have been recognized by some states, and divorce has become easier legally (though the divorce rate has dropped since the 1970s). But none of this curtailing of intolerance actually causes persecution of Christians. Christians are not being thrown in jail, beat up, lynched or thrown to the lions. There is just so little danger of Christians being actually harmed or persecuted in the US that “Persecuted" (2014) is likely to be as laughable viewing as "Plan 9 from Outer Space."


While I liked the movie I agree, much like God's Not Dead, they take what is a pretty unrealistic idea but end up with a decent movie out of it.
