MovieChat Forums > Persecuted (2014) Discussion > Message to whoever is already trashing t...

Message to whoever is already trashing this movie

Guys, this is getting ridiculous. Liberals claim to be SO tolerant of everybody but the second somebody mentions a Christian opinion, they're tossed out. Doesn't that make you hypocrites?
There are holier-than-thou hypocritically-judging Christians out there. Matter a fact there are many of them. But like I said, they're hypocritical as well. Deep down, they think that they're perfect, and they give Christianity the bad and now stereotypical name they have today. These Christians are actually in the minority.
There are also those who claim to be Christian that make God out to be evil (Westboro) or that kill abortion doctors to stop abortions (Army of God). These people are indeed very lost as well, and they rationalize their twisted so-called logic in their own minds and try to make themselves look perfect to the outside world. These are much more in the minority than the holier-than-thou's.

The majority of Christians know without a doubt that they are broken, that they are imperfect, and that they sin all the time against God. That's why they (and I) needed and will always need a Savior in Jesus Christ. If we were all so self-righteous, why then would we worship a righteous being and not consider ourselves the be-all-end-all of the universe.

I tolerate atheism and agnosticism along with any other religions, just like the majority of Christians do. Do we try to convert people? Name one religion that doesn't. But do true Christians use fear tactics and try to scare people into the faith, and massacre those who don't convert? Of course not. But unfortunately that is what we have been made out to be. Monsters. But in reality, we're a peaceful people of a common faith in God.


"At a time when the world offers us no shortage of examples of what actual religious persecution looks like, for a film to indulge in this particular brand of self-righteous fearmongering isn’t just clueless or reckless; it’s an act of contemptible irresponsibility. "


"This terrible attempt at a political thriller for the religious right is aimed not at Christians in general but at a certain breed of them, the kind who feel as if the rest of the world were engaged in a giant conspiracy against their interpretation of good and truth."

The New York Times

Oh, yeah, right, "liberal media"


Liberals claim to be SO tolerant of everybody but the second somebody mentions a Christian opinion, they're tossed out

Well-said. Indeed, liberals always call for "tolerance, and" "tolerate" anyone who agrees with them, but anyone who offers a godly viewpoint to counter theirs is not to be tolerated. A prime example of hypocrisy.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


If we were all so self-righteous, why then would we worship a righteous being
I don't know. You tell me. Why *do* you worship a righteous being?


It is a lot easier to argue against straw men, isn't it?

But do true Christians use fear tactics and try to scare people into the faith, and massacre those who don't convert? Of course not.

No True Scotsman.


This really is a bad film though.
