Vous-voyez vs. Tu-toyez?

I noticed the inconsistency in the characters usage of the formal and informal "you." And, rank seemed irrelevant in this regard. Wonder if this is done intentionally and acceptably or, if it is an overlooked error by the screenwriters and film editors. If the latter, it seems a huge error in such a fine film. Hmmm...


The aristocracy mainly used the formal "you" (vous). Even between husband and wife and lovers.


I think you misunderstand my query. My point is that characters of different class used "tu" and "vous" with one another throughout the film i.e. conversations between Marie Antoinette and Mlle Laborde revealed this inconsistency quite often. An historic explanation of address was not what I was after. I simply wanted to hear if others who saw the film noted said inconsistency as well.
In any case, you for replying.


The fact that the queen was overly familiar with her reader was part of the point of the story and I believe that's what they were trying to show with this.
