MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (2014) Discussion > Disturbing violence...(SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Disturbing violence...(SPOILER ALERT!!!)

I've seen a lot of violent movies but I think this one qualifies as the most violent. There are a lot of scenes where you're thinking, "Man...they really didn't need to put that in there"....Arnold wife getting executed on tape was one. The intestine hanging from the guy on the wall? Holy cow. How about brain matter on the train tracks? Why couldn't they just show the dead body in tact. We saw him get hit by the train. We saw his body tossed around in the trailer home. But did he get tossed into a meat grinder? WTF happened? The innocent civilians getting blown up in the car? The chopping off of the head on video? Man...again..not really adding anything to the movie. I realize cartels are bloody and ruthless.

MOvies like Saw and Hostel were disturbing, but those were specialized genres. This is an action movie.




Yeah. Its was bloody and violent. In other words I loved it.


Arnold's wife being tortured on tape was grueling, but IMHO it absolutely added to the film. He set up his whole team for felonies to steal the money himself, so he could go down and execute the cartel. It might be really hard to accept that a career federal agent would do something like this - the torture video drives home his motivation. If it makes you squirm in your seat, that's the idea. Imagine if it were *your* family on that tape - it's the kind of thing that could really drive someone off the edge.

As the Joker says - "All it takes is one bad day."
