3rd Season so so

I was really looking forward to the new season and perhaps the anticipation from waiting two year might have made my expectations too high. That being said it just seems this season just lacks the edge of the past two seasons and some ways too often resembles a comic book and often the story is very cliche.
It is not the little things like when they refer to themselves as Nazis and not National Socialist. Or why Smith was made Reichsmarschall which was rank of the armed forces and Smith is in the SS. Sure this is a sci-fi fantasy so not going to get too caught up in historical details of an alternate reality. Still having J.Edgar Hoover the head of the FBI and somehow escaped being executed, is instead now the head of the American Reich Bureau of Investigation is a little bit of a stretch. Or Josef Mengele who is in charge of the transportation of travel in the multiverse. Mengele held a lot of high degrees but was not a physicist. Actually Werner Heisenberg, who they named the Atomic bomb for in the story would have made a better historical character.
Still even these were not the main issue, but the way the story was presented. For example you have Himmler the Fuehrer of more then half the world running all over, he even is making calls to agents in the field. The scene in the mine with Himmler like some second rate Bond villain over seeing his mad scientific creation for world domination seemed like a possible jump the shark moment.
The story now has seem to fallen into the Star Wars like cliche, Juliana is the Luke Sywalker figure, Hawthorne Abendsen is kind of the Yoda, Ed and Childan are C3PO and R2D2, Wyatt is the Han Solo. Smith is the conflicted Darth Vader and Himmler is appropriately the Dark Lord.
The story when it transfers to the Japanese side and the Pacific states, doesn't seem to suffer as much. Kito and the Trade minister are still very interesting characters.
I will watch season 4, but with much less expectations over the next year
