Sheri Moon Zombie

Why does he keep casting her in his movies? She's a horrible actress. The fact that she's playing the lead role is why I won't be watching this movie. I mean, if it's absolutely necessary to have her in every movie you make then give her smaller roles. Maybe it's just me.


she's one lucky whore of a woman.



So just because little old you (1 person) doesn't like his movies, he should no longer be allowed to make them? That doesn't seem fair. Just because the movies are made doesn't mean you have to watch them. If you don't like Rob's movies, skip them. It's that simple. But they shouldn't be banned from being produced for those of us who do like them.

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I'm not sure if you watch a lot of '70s horror, but I think most of his films are supposed to pay homage to the sleazy grindhouse films from that era including The Last House on the Left, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Spit On Your Grave, The Hills Have Eyes, etc. That is why they are "trashy" because they are supposed to feel similar in style to those films. Not every movie is intended to be an intellectual, sophisticated film with political and social commentary. Some movies are made just to be movies.

Although I choose to look at his characters from a psychological standpoint. In The Devil's Rejects, it really shows how far humanity is willing to go in order to showcase it's depravity. The true meaning of good and evil is also examined in this film, and dares to ask the question of whether or not you have to become evil yourself in order to defeat evil. I think those are very important things. The Halloween remake also examines the nature vs. nurture issue. In the original Halloween, Michael was evil just because he was born evil, but in the remake, he became evil as a product of his environment. That can raise debates about whether or not killers are born to kill or if we create them.

As for the case of Halloween inspiring real murders, I have not heard of that. But I don't think a film can cause people to want to kill someone. If people really want to hurt someone, they will do so whether they watch a certain film or not. Killing existed before movies, so to blame movies as the source for murder is wrong in my opinion. I feel people blame movies as a way to avoid working to take care of the real issue which is mental illness.

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Well, The Lords of Salem doesn't seem like it's going to be in the same style as any of those films. It looks like it's going to be Gothic, supernatural horror in the same realm as Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, and Suspiria to me. And those "retired old films" are recognized as classics among horror fans. If you visit any horror film message board, you will see about 10,000 people whose entire lives are devoted to loving those horror classics asking "Why don't they make horror films like they used to anymore?" Rob tries to make horror films like they used to because he is a fan of all of them as well.

And what about the other millions and millions of people who watch this film and don't kill anybody? Should we ban it for them just because one murderer happened to watch the film? If he was even willing to contemplate murdering his own family, he was obviously very sick beforehand and could've possibly been abused. People who are mentally well and grow up in healthy homes don't just plan out murders.

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I'm sorry but I just don't believe in censorship. As long as no one's really being hurt or forced to do something against their will, I don't think any subject matter should be off limits and I don't think there should be any limit on blood and violence just so long as it is fake. For people who object to such things, there are thousands of movies without all of it so they should watch those rather than wasting so much energy on trying to get violent movies banned/censored.

And Tarantino makes movies in the same drive-in/'70s exploitation style with over the top violence and gore just like Rob Zombie, yet for some reason he gets praise while Rob gets criticized. But either way, I do think The Lords of Salem is going to be much different than all of his other films and the people that have criticized him for 10 years are going to be shocked. They'll find out all of their negative criticism has been wrong.

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No, I don't think they have a huge effect on people. A common argument is that they supposedly desensitize people to violence and make violence seem like an everyday thing that doesn't even matter. But I don't believe that at all. If a horror fan saw a person being raped or murdered on a street corner, I'm sure the last thing on their mind would be "Hmm, this is just like that scene in I Spit On Your Grave." I'm sure most people would be horrified and try to help said person or call the police at the very least.

As for originality, they've made enough movies about everything. There have been lots of bloody horror movies, but there have also been lots of movies about guys in college partying, two people who barely know one another falling in love, and superheroes saving the world from an evil villain, so perhaps we should ban those types of movies too because they aren't original enough.

I think it could be argued that movies like this make people less violent. They show violence for what it really is, cruel and ugly. They don't glamorize violence at all or make the killers look heroic. Showing violence in a hideous way is the only true way to show it.

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I'd say you can do much more with a horror movie than with other genres. You can make a movie about ghosts, witches, werewolves, cults, demons, zombies, serial killers, vampires, Satan, killer animals; the list goes on and on... But I'll use romantic comedies as an example again. All of them are basically the same plot with different characters. "I love her/him but she/he doesn't feel the same way about me so I need to do whatever I can to change that so we can live happily ever after." Horror doesn't get enough recognition for how versatile of a genre it is. There are so many different types of horror but non-horror fans don't stop to realize that most of the time.

I haven't seen The Lords of Salem yet, but judging by the trailers and the various pictures I've seen from the film, it doesn't look like there are that many white trash characters. Sheri looks kind of like a hippie and the witches look like the creepy neighbor types who are WAY too polite (a la the Castavets from Rosemary's Baby) but none of them look trashy.

I have no problem with gore. I would agree that it isn't a necessity for a film to be scary. Many of my favorite horror movies have very little to no blood, but if a film does have tons of blood and gore, I won't be offended at all.

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You're probably going to say "Man, this person has horrible taste" but Exorcist II: The Heretic is my favorite horror film of all time (it's such an underrated masterpiece that gets a disgusting amount of undeserved hatred), and I don't think there's one drop of blood in the entire film. A lot of my favorite horror films are ghost/demon related (Burnt Offerings, Beyond the Door, The Entity, Poltergeist, The Exorcist, etc.), but I can still enjoy a fun slasher from time to time.

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Have you ever been to a Goth Club? The dreadlocks Rob and Sheri have are quite "in", and the trailer for this movie looks like an ad for a Goth Club just about anywhere in the Usa, perhaps it's more LA or New York than Salem, but just the same. I have yet to see any of Mr. Zombie's movies, but was intrigued by this one as it has a bunch of 80's horror stars, and is a more supernatural bent than his previous titles apparently. But yeah, Ms. Moon Zombie seemed pretty lame in the trailer, and looks way too fashionable. I was going to give the Devil's Rejects a try because I loved the soundtrack, and the road movie look, but it appears it's more in the Torture Porn direction as well. I don't think Horror Movies create killers. Unless there are people that really love the ideas in Saw, and that kind of film. It's true the older movies didn't necessarily glorify the killer, and show him having fun until Nightmare On Elm Street came along with Freddy. Although Vincent Price had done something similar as Dr. Phibes. I've seen them all, and still think taking someone's life especially in the way they do in the Torture Porn films like Hostel is absolutely revolting. But I wouldn't forbid them, I have never seen the sequels to Saw, one movie is enough. There are even worse things being made such as The Human Centipede which I absolutely refuse to watch, even if I have heard of it, and was mildly curious as to what entertainment value it might have. Perhaps there should be a limit. Maybe someone could just talk to such film makers, and say "do you really need to make this movie? Who is it meant for?" I don't know, but people going Amok and killing their families, or their schoolmates are not because of these movies, it is because these people seriously need therapy, and may have actually been born with a screw loose. The original Halloween was terrifying because Michael Myers was supposed to represent a form of pure evil beyond comprehension. There was no real motivation. That is in fact truly frightening that some people can be like that. I assume the remake has a back story only to explain the motivation of this character. I disagree with that idea so I refuse to see the Zombie remake. Anyway I think I'll eventually give this Rob Zombie film a try, and then maybe I'll be back to comment on Sheri Moon's performance. I think the people going *beep* on here about how brilliant she is probably don't truly watch anything outside of the horror genre. I'm sure that it would be hard to top Sigourney Weaver in Alien, Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby, or Dee Wallace Stone in The Howling. Despite all this, my respect goes to Rob Zombie for forging ahead with his ideas in a genre that is very difficult to innovate within. Obviously he loves his wife so much that he sees her as the right choice for his films. That's his right.



No, because of that right all of his films have been better. I think people already have their minds made up about Sheri and Rob both. If Sheri gave the best performance in the history of horror and if Rob made the next Exorcist, people still would act if they dislike it because they already decided they hate Rob and Sheri both. People have far too much pride to admit they were actually wrong about something so I think that's part of the reason people still talk like this about Rob and Sheri on these boards. Sheri started out good but just improves in every film and for some reason people blind themselves to that improvement.

And Rob is the best director in horror today in my opinion. He makes modern day exploitation films similar to I Spit on Your Grave, The Last House on the Left, etc. which had similar criticism to Rob's films in their original release (too violent, too much shock value and too little suspense, etc.). But those films are seen as horror classics today so I have no doubt it will be the same case for Robs's films.

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But quality is in the eye of the beholder. What's horrible to one person can be wonderful to another. And to me, Rob Zombie's films are wonderful, he is the best horror director today, and his wife is a wonderful actress. But I don't think my opinion can be proven so it isn't a fact, just like yours can't be proven either so you shouldn't state it as if it is a fact. And The Last House on the Left and The Hills Have Eyes feel just like films Rob Zombie would've made if he were old enough to be a director. As I said before, those films received the same kind of criticism back during their original releases for their violent, brutal, disturbing content so I think his films are in the exact same class as Wes Craven's.

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No, a quality of a film is up to the individual watching it to decide. Critical acclaim means nothing to me. I barely ever read reviews. Why should one person's opinion be considered more credible than another's just because they get paid money to say their opinion? And financial success shows nothing about how good a film is either. Twilight and the Transformers made a ton of money in the box office, but do you honestly consider them well made films?

I will admit that Rob's films are somewhat trashy but that doesn't make them bad. They are heavily violent, have a lot of blood, cursing, and nudity but that doesn't make them bad in my opinion. They have interesting characters with depth and fascinating personalities to go along with the gore, cursing, violence, and nudity. And Sheri could get work in films other than Rob's but she chooses not to. She was in the Toolbox Murders directed by Tobe Hooper and an episode of Californication, so that's proof she could. It's by choice that she doesn't work in many films outside of Rob's because she has no desire to become an A-list actress. But I bet she could become one if she wanted to.

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I don't see how these things can possibly be "all evident" if there technically is no such thing as a good or bad film. What is good or bad is up to the individual to decide. Sure you don't like Twilight or Transformers and neither do I, but they obviously have many, many fans or else they wouldn't continue to be made. People do find those to be genuinely good films and just because we disagree with them doesn't mean they're wrong. I wouldn't call them bad films because I know there is no such thing as a good or bad film. I would simply just call them films I dislike. You're stating as if it's a proven, scientific fact that certain films are bad and the way I see it, you have no basis for that claim.

As for Rob's films being trashy, if you find them trashy, offensive, and overly violent then you don't have to watch them. It's that simple. Though every single review I've read for The Lords of Salem say it's a departure from his usual style and focuses less on violence/gore and more on establishing an atmosphere and disturbing imagery. Everything I've read say it's a completely different kind of films than his previous work so you should gave it a chance should you agree.

And actually, Sheri has said in interviews she receives offers to do films besides Rob's all the time (mostly low budget horrors, but still acting roles), but she turns them down because she doesn't want to be some huge actress.

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"I'm a film school graduate and you're not therefore your opinion on anything doesn't count. But mine does because I'm smart."

That quote is exactly how you sounded. I don't think it's fair to say each of his films are exactly the same. He hasn't really made very many films at all when you think about it. Not nearly enough to say all of them are just the same thing as before only repackaged. He's only made 6 films so far and 2 of them were sequels. But The Haunted World of El Superbeasto didn't really feel similar to any of his other films, and The Lords of Salem doesn't seem to be all that much like the rest of his films either. It seems as if it will be slightly classier and more sophisticated (though from what I hear it focuses slightly more on imagery than story a la Dario Argento, but at least it is something new to him). I think as he makes more films, one of these days you are going to like one and swallow your words.

And I have no reason to believe Sheri was lying in the interview. But you clearly already have your mind made up about her and Rob so no evidence to the contrary can change it.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



And as I said many times before but you've chosen to ignore, The Lords of Salem doesn't appear to be that way at all. It appears to be an atmospheric, surreal, bizarre, dreamlike film much different from his previous work. Not all of the reviews have been good, but even the people who hated say it is at least different from all the rest of his films and shows he is capable of making a sophisticated horror film. It is even light on foul language and gore.

And there is such an interview. Here are quotes from it that prove what I say:

G&C: There are so many rumors on the Internet about you. You're a former stripper. You're a Satanist, and so on. Is that why you finally got your own website, after so many years?

Sheri Moon Zombie: Well you know what, I did have one for a little while [before this]. I think it was around the time House of 1000 Corpses came out, we started one. And then I just went, "You know what? I'm not the typical narcissistic actor." I don't really feel like I want to try to sell myself or market myself to people. I don't have an agent. I don't give many interviews. I don't actively seek work.

I just don't like the whole audition process that actors have to go through, God bless them. It's so demeaning and terrible for the most part. That's a big reason why I [didn't for so long]. I know there's somebody that has a website out there where you can get information. I think for the most part, things are almost right. It's sort of like the tabloids. There's a bit of information that's true, but then the rest of it is sort of fluffed up.

G&C: Do you have aspirations to work with other directors?

Sheri Moon Zombie: I get scripts sent over here and usually they're just little cheesy horror things that I don't want to do. And like I said, I hate the whole audition process. I don't seek out work. Rob and I will always work together.

And she has gotten work from an acclaimed director. If you remember, she was in The Toolbox Murders by Tobe Hooper (who directed The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1&2, Salem's Lot, Poltergeist, and The Funhouse). If he isn't a respectable horror director, I don't think any exist. The fact that she was in that film is proof she can and did get an acting job outside Rob's films, she just has no desire to do any more films that aren't his. Wes Craven didn't create his biggest success (A Nightmare on Elm Street) until 12 years into his film career and he didn't create Scream until 24 years into his career, so Rob still has plenty of time to impress you. Just wait and see.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



It's mindless foul language and gore.
Which I just told you is also not in the movie. Clearly you already have your mind made up about the film and aren't even giving it a chance just because of who the director is. If you even watch the movie at all, which you might not because you don't want to see your assumptions proven wrong, you will watch it with a closed mind which is never a good thing to go into a movie with.

As the interview also said, she finds the "actual work" to be a degrading process and pities actors for having to demean themselves just to get work. People do want her which is why she said she gets job offers, but she turned them down. She doesn't want to be a famous actress which is why she doesn't do auditions. But your mind already appears to be made up about that as well so no matter how much evidence I present that contradicts your opinion, your beliefs are already set in stone.

I have seen the lowest of low budget movies that go straight to the video store or sometimes even straight to Netflix, and the acting in those films tends to be not so good because they can't afford to hire real actors. You'd have to be insane to compare Sheri to those people. She does have talent and her acting in Rob's films shows it. She has played a sadistic maniac, a nurturing mother willing to do anything for her children, and a vengeful spirit and has done them all greatly. This shows she has great acting range since she can play all these different types of characters and do it convincingly. It wouldn't look right seeing the name Sheri Moon Zombie in the opening credits for a non-horror film anyways.

And yes, most would say Tobe has run past his prime and isn't as good as he used to be, but that still doesn't change the fact that he has been in the film business for almost 40 years so he should recognize talent when he sees it being in Hollywood for that long.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



But the only problem is it won't turn out bad. I'm 100% certain I will love it because supernatural horror is my favorite kind of horror film (Burnt Offerings, The Entity, The Exorcist, Exorcist II: The Heretic, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, The Blair Witch Project, Beyond the Door, Poltergeist, and The Innocents are among my favorites of all time) and Rob Zombie is directing it. I have loved all of his films so far so the way I see it, I'm pretty much guaranteed to love it. Critics don't matter for anything. They all seem so pompous and arrogant to me, as if they are somehow superior to the rest of us filmgoers because they get paid to state their opinions and we don't. And it had a $1.5 million budget with very little money spent on promotion, so with a budget that small and Rob's name attached to it, I don't think it will have any problem making it's money back. I highly doubt it will be a horror blockbuster like Paranormal Activity was and Evil Dead seems to be, but I am confident it will at least make a profit.

If you think Rob Zombie's movies are on the same level as some of the low budget garbage out there, then you must be insane. I'll give you some titles to look up: Birdemic: Shock and Terror, Zombie Nation, Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, Night of the Living Dead 3D (which ironically stars Sid Haig), and S.I.C.K.: Serial Insane Clown Killer. And also, you have no proof that Sheri gets no offers. Do you sit beside her phone all day waiting for it to ring? Do you look for scripts in her mailbox? Of course not, so you can't say with definitive certainty that she gets no offers besides Rob's films. I realize I can't say for sure that she does either, but I have no reason to believe she's lying. If Sheri says that, I believe her. I'm not in the habit of accusing everyone I dislike of being a liar about everything they say. Where you see wooden, uncharismatic performances, I see very good talent so we must have different standards.

Also, why is it that when an actress appears in only horror films, people act as if it's a bad thing? No one ever says "Oh, she can't get any jobs in anything other than dramas." Horror has such a negative stigma attached to it by snobby critics which I don't think is fair. Horror does have it's bad, but it also has it's good. And every genre has it's fair of bad movies as well yet people choose to pick on horror, but that's a whole different argument.

He has also done Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Salem's Lot, and The Funhouse. He has been slowing down making films recently and hasn't been putting as many out as he used to. People say his talent isn't what it used to be, but there has to be something there worthwhile or else his career wouldn't have lasted from 1974 until now. He hasn't made anyone a star or helped anyone get awards, but he has worked with such icons like Karen Black, Louise Fletcher, and Robert Englund so the fact that he has worked with them shows that he can recognize what good talent is.

Anyways, I don't think this little debate is getting anywhere. We're both just wasting precious time and energy repeating the same things over and over and neither of us agree with anything the other person says. So I'm going to just agree to disagree and move on.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



OK, I know I said I would end the debate but many of the things you say are begging for a response. Roger Ebert actually gave The Devil's Rejects a good review and Stephen King (although not a critic I doubt anyone in their right mind would say he doesn't know anything about good horror) listed it in his top 10 films of the year. Also, look at I Spit on Your Grave and Silent Night, Deadly Night. The critics who hated those films built controversy around them which was able to get more people to see them and this controversy is a huge reason people still remember them today.

Anyone can make things up, but that doesn't mean they did. I can't show you evidence she does get offers because I don't answer her phone or wait at her mailbox for scripts to be sent. But you can't find any evidence she's lying either besides your own opinion. And you must be watching completely different films than I am to even think they can be compared to SyFy movies.

I don't think it's fair to say all horror films are low grade. There are great horror films out there, you just have to sort through all the junk to find them. The Exorcist, The Shining, Let The Right One In, The Others, Rosemary's Baby, The Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, The Bride of Frankenstein, and Nosferatu are just a few examples of the film classics the horror genre has given us.

I think those films are unforgettable, but you clearly have a low opinion of the horror genre to start with so of course you wouldn't like them. And I'd hardly call Louise Fletcher (an Oscar winner for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Karen Black (not only a horror legend for films like Trilogy of Terror and Burnt Offerings, but an Oscar nominee herself for Five Easy Pieces), and Robert Englund whose wonderful performances were able to make a character (Freddy Krueger) one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons of all time D-list actors.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



if you don't see the point in watching movies like that then... don't watch them. it's not brain surgery. but there are tons of other people out there that enjoy that kind of entertainment and can do so without it deeply impacting their lives.

i will never understand why there's people like you who get so overly concerned about what everyone else is doing/watching.

and by the way, i personally LOVE overkill and will continue to pay to see it :D



When it comes to those sort of "copycat" murders, I agree with Stephen King: the killers should not just be prosecuted for murder, they should also be sued for plagiarism.



I agree!!She is just plain awful as an actress.


Ah man, you Zombie hating trolls.

Why are you trolls? You B**ch and moan about anything and everything, yet you're first in line for his next film.

Stick your head in a wood chipper.

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10


I just wanted to post these quotes I found in an interview from Sheri Moon Zombie herself. It proves everything I said correct. Sheri could get plenty of acting roles if she wanted to, she just doesn't want to because she hates the audition process and finds it demeaning. These quotes are definitive proof that all the people who say "If she's such a good actress, why can't she get work ourside Rob's films?" are way off.

G&C: There are so many rumors on the Internet about you. You're a former stripper. You're a Satanist, and so on. Is that why you finally got your own website, after so many years?

Sheri Moon Zombie: Well you know what, I did have one for a little while [before this]. I think it was around the time House of 1000 Corpses came out, we started one. And then I just went, "You know what? I'm not the typical narcissistic actor." I don't really feel like I want to try to sell myself or market myself to people. I don't have an agent. I don't give many interviews. I don't actively seek work.

I just don't like the whole audition process that actors have to go through, God bless them. It's so demeaning and terrible for the most part. That's a big reason why I [didn't for so long]. I know there's somebody that has a website out there where you can get information. I think for the most part, things are almost right. It's sort of like the tabloids. There's a bit of information that's true, but then the rest of it is sort of fluffed up.

G&C: Do you have aspirations to work with other directors?

Sheri Moon Zombie: I get scripts sent over here and usually they're just little cheesy horror things that I don't want to do. And like I said, I hate the whole audition process. I don't seek out work. Rob and I will always work together.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I would not even call her 'actress' because she is not one. She has no acting school/training. The only reason she 'acts' is because her boyfriend puts her in his movies. She is an absolute failure as an actress. It's my opinion and also a simple fact for anyone who has a single clue about acting(which you simply don't). She's as much good as an amateurs from no budget movies you mentioned before. But those no budget movies don't have a expensive post-production which makes any amateur look a bit better. You probably like her because she looks hot to you and that makes her a good actress in your eyes.

And no, she's not offered many parts in the movies. The only people who would offer her part are people like you making super low budget movies and they might be trying because she is no real actress, she doesn't have an agent,so that makes her easy target(in theory). And she actually proves in this interview that she's a spoiled brat. Biggest names in the brand go to audition, that's the part of the craft. The craft she doesn't understand because she's not an actress, just a talentless amateur.


She is an actress, actually. You don't need to go to acting school or training to be talented at acting. Some people are born with the talent for acting, some aren't. Lucky for Sheri, she was (even though she doesn't like to show it by not appearing in very many movies). The biggest names in the acting business do audition, you're correct. But she's not one of the biggest names in the acting business and clearly has no desire to be. She does understand the craft, but doesn't want to be part of it because she's just as big of an actress as she wants to be.

And by the way, you probably dislike her because she's the director's wife and she's good looking and that's the only reason she gets the roles. People assume that just because she's pretty, married to Rob Zombie, and only appears in his movies that it means she couldn't possibly have any talent. That assumption is very wrong. Sheri proves she does have talent with each movie she appears in.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


No,she is not an actress. Acting is a craft, very special one. Witohout acting school and training you are just an amateur who tries his luck so is Sheri Moon Zombie. She never was an actress, she started appearing in her husband movies when he started making them. That makes her a player not an actor. Very, very bad player.

'because she's the director's wife and she's good looking and that's the only reason she gets the roles'

Finally you said the truth. That's the only reason she gets the roles.

And I dislike her simply because she is annoying and can't act which makes her scenes fake and miserable every time she opens her mouth. I also don't think she is hot at all but I guess It's up to personal taste.

I have nothing against family members acting in movies if they do have a talent and if they are actual actors. Clu Gulager appears in his son's movies but he is a great actor and a real legend so It's more like helping his son making film easier. Sheri doesn't help anyone, she is just promoted by her husband and she's exactly same talentless girl like Jennifer Blanc who sleeps with Michael Biehn and they appear in movies together all the time. But Blanc is at least an actress and has a single cue about acting while Sherie doesn't.

So yeah, she has no talent for acting whatsoever


That is your opinion. I don't think you have to go to school and get training to be good at acting. It helps with some people, I will say that. But some people are naturally born with enough talent that they can do well enough without it. Just like singing, some people are born with beautiful voices and don't need training to move people with their vocals. Never once have I not been convinced by her acting performances. Each performance feels completely authentic to me. Of course she wasn't going to be absolutely perfect in House of 1000 Corpses because it was her first time acting ever. But I think she was very good in that movie and gets progressively better with each performance. So to start from very good and become even better with each movie shows a good actress.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


It's not my opinion it is a fact. Well known fact. You are moron if you really belive what you just wrote. There is not a single actor on the planet who doesn't need acting education and training. Even all major actors, Oscar winners are still training and preparing with acting teachers for the next parts and just to make them better. It's just like martial arts education. You won't be good at martial arts just because you like to fight in your backyard, you need many years of training. Sheri is a total failure as an actress and It's good no one will have to see her in the movies.


If you want to get really technical about it, Sheri learns to act by acting in Rob's films. What better way to get experience at something than by actually doing it? By being in Rob Zombie's movies, she learns what it's like to be on camera and be on a film set, so acting in his films is her training. She was good to start with in House of 1000 Corpses and keeps getting progressively better, so her work is paying off.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I went technical. What you say is a sad bunch of crap. You learn acting on camera...If you want to act in a professional film as an actor, you need preparation first. Acting training will teach you how to move on camera, how to speak and how to act. Sure, you can put a bum from the street on camera and shoot with him but then it looks exactly how it looks(amateur). When you are on set, you have to be ready and already know how to move and how to act and how to handle camera. You gain experience and become more confident making more movies, sure - but they won't teach you how to act themselves. End of story.


Well, as the other person who responded to this thread said, many people that are considered great actors of our time never received formal training so your point is null and void in my opinion.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Acting is a craft, very special one. Witohout acting school and training you are just an amateur who tries his luck so is Sheri Moon Zombie.

Aw, the very special-ness of these oh so special actors with their special training.

Do you know who else never had any acting lessons? Joachim Phoenix. He's won numerous awards for his acting and has been nominated for two Academy Awards. Tilda Swinton also never trained as an actor (or actress if you prefer) and has been highly acclaimed and won a number of awards.

John Houseman, who never trained as an actor but was instead a theatrical producer, won an Academy Award for his very first role when he was 71 years old, and weirdly enough went on to start a drama school, where he taught actors like Kevin Kline even though he had never been taught himself.

Jennifer Lawrence, who won this year's Best Actor Academy Award, has never had an acting lesson.

Other untrained actors include Julie Delpy, John Travolta, Laurence Fishburne, Clint Eastwood, Oliver Reed,Lee Marvin, and Johnny Depp.

I'm not saying that Sherri Moon Zombie is in a class with these actors (except maybe Clint Eastwood, who is very popular but can't act for sour owl poop) but the idea that acting needs Very Special Training is silly. It's not brain surgery.


Well, sorry to say but you have no idea what you are talking about. Most if not all of these people you mentioned were trained in acting and they trained for years. Some actors don't wish to speak about their training, some of them claim they were so talented they never trained but It's never true. You made me laugh with some of those names, Johnny Depp, Oliver Reed haha. If you would work in this biz, you would know It's up on request to see actor CV with a list of their acting teachers. More to it - most of the big budget films(well, you named here big names mostly so...)have acting teachers hired for a lead actors and they help them prepare for the part MONTHS before filming and often stay with them on set. It's actually very common. So don't give me this crap where you have no idea about it. I never said acting is a brain surgery but speaking of Sheri Moon Zombie. Amateur amongst amateurs won't hurt that much as amateur amongst pros. And Zombie's films have pros in the cast, that is what makes Sheri so painful to watch because she's not a match to any of her cast companions and this is very visible.


And how do you know these actors are lying about not receiving any training? You always seem to assume the worst about people in believing everyone is a liar about everything until proven otherwise. Also, what's wrong with Johnny Depp and Oliver Reed? I have only seen 3 of Johnny Depp's films to be honest, but from what I've seen he appears to be talented. Oliver Reed is also a terrific actor who I feel is underrated. You seem to be very knowledgable about the acting industry. Perhaps you're a failed actor who is jealous because Sheri has had more success than you?

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


I do know because I have seen cv of several mentioned actors. Old ones mostly. List of their acting education was always included. That includes Oliver Reed and Johnny Depp(when he was fresh after 'Nightmare on Elm Street).
Where did I say there is something wrong with this people? I never said they are not talented but talent alone won't lead you anywhere. Hard work is required.

And no, I'm not a failed actor or upcoming actor but yes I do work in the industry and those are really basic things to know. I don't like Depp, never liked him and his style of acting but I won't say he can't act because that's not true. Sheri Moon can't act and she should stay supporting her husband off the camera.


Well, that's your opinion. I think Sheri Moon Zombie is a wonderful actress and am glad Rob casts her in all of his films. Because I am such a huge fan of hers, I am going to compliment her every chance I get.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


So who were Oliver Reed's acting teachers? He always claimed that he never had an acting lesson, that he didn't trust even the idea of acting lessons, and that his "acting school was, and still is, life in the raw - the whole wide world as a stage."

But you've apparently seen his C.V. and can tell us otherwise. So go on then - prove Ollie a liar.

You never said acting was like brain surgery, but you said it was a "very special" craft. That sounds rather precious to me.


Acting is entirely about finding and portraying truth. She does this in every role she plays; finding the true spirit of each character within her and putting it on screen. Which is probably why RZ continues to cast her.


I doubt anyone watches his films for the acting..


Well. Actually I do watch his films ONLY to see cult actors from 70's/80's because Rob uses many of them in his movies. I do not enjoy his films at all as an entertainment but It's always great to see some faces I was a fan of when I was growing up.


I know im joining this thread late, but those of you defending Sheri Moon Zombie's acting skills are kidding yourselves. There's bias and then there's pure delusion. Her acting sucks, and it IS part of why his movies can never get better, he keeps casting her. Has she slightly improved in every movie, sure, but even now her acting is close to mediocre.

"Gentlemen, you had my curiosity. But now you have my attention."(Calvin Candie)
-Django Unchained


I don't know what kind of acting it takes to please you. She is a wonderful actress, especially compared to many others. I hate picking on low budget movies because just because a movie cost more to make doesn't make it better, but I've noticed especially in super low budget B-movies that the acting isn't very good a lot of the time. They have no expression in their voices whatsoever, almost as if they're all reading their lines off a piece of paper. Sheri has never been like that, though. She is much better than other actors and actresses I've seen.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


She is better compared to who? To random people from no budget movies who are not actors, because such a movie can't afford real actors or even if they can, It's usually non union film which means most actors won't be interested to not be punished by SAG later.

Post production does alot to improve acting. Right(expensive, orchestral etc) music can do alot, right editing and so on. Sure, if you make a movie for 20k or less or even for a 50k, you won't get anyone so that's why those people have no idea how to interact with a camera and directors usually don't have an idea how to work with actors as well.

But this is a serious budget movie we are speaking of. The one with a theatrical release around the world. It requires good acting. Something Sheri is not capable of and never will be. She might do 100 movies with Rob and the best she would get is Linnea Quigley type of acting.


She is capable of good acting and always has been. I wish we could just agree to diagree in regards to that. And speaking of Linnea Quigley, I've always thought she should be in one of Rob Zombie's films. She just seems like a perfect fit for one of his movies. Don't you agree?

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


We will agree to disagree on that since Sheri can't act. Maybe she would get better if she decided to start taking acting lessons but as we know It's not gonna happen.

As far Linnea Quigley goes. She could be nice addition but to be honest I would focus on other actresses who are long gone from screen and I do miss them(well, not just me) and Barb Crampton was a good choice to go with. I really like Linnea but she does like 5-15 movies/year and most of them are horror films so I don't miss her, she's still around doing horribly low budget films and I watch some of them from time to time. It was a nice homage to give her cameo in a remake of 'Night of the Demons' though.


I have a whole list of people I want to see work in one of Rob Zombie's movies. Linda Blair, Robert Englund, Jennifer Tilly, Barbara Steele, Shelley Duvall, Asia Argento, Tony Todd, Tom Atkins, and Geretta Geretta are a few of them.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.



she's extremely cheesy. I remember thinking she belonged in some B-movie with no budget when I saw her in House of 1,000 Corpses. She just consistently gives straight-up embarrassing performances. I don't see how someone could be blind to this unless they're an extremely zealous Zombie fan.


I don't see how anyone could be blind to her talent unless they like to jump on bandwagons and agree with some snobby critics just because they find them superior in intellect. Just because someone is married to a certain director and appears almost exclusively in their films doesn't mean they're a bad actress.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


agree with snobby critics? No real film critic ever even talked about her. They have no idea who she is. Serious critics have extremely low interest in a horror genre and especially in films like Zombie does. Peopole all over the globe hate her acting because she can't act. Just deal with it because you won't change their minds.


Roger Ebert specifically mentioned her name in his review for The Devil's Rejects. If he wasn't a real film critic then I don't know who is. I know critics seem to dislike the horror genre, find it to be trashy and the lowest form of entertainment and I strongly disagree with that but that's another topic completely so I won't get into that right now. There are people all over the globe who do hate her acting, but at the same time there are also people everywhere who love her acting and you seem to ignore that fact. You won't change my mind about her, either.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Well 'strangely enough', you are pretty much the only one here who thinks she's great. That tells you much.


It doesn't tell me anything. I would imagine at least 80% of the people who watch Rob Zombie's movies don't go to online message boards to talk about them so what people say about her on this board may not represent the majority opinion at all.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Except virtually everyone on this board seems to disagree with you.

Face it.


I don't care if they disagree with me or not. My opinion is my opinion and I'm not going to change it for anybody.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


No, I'm actually not but sometimes I wish I was.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Sheri is a great actress, was perfect as Baby on House of 1000 corpses/Devil's rejects.
And im sure that she will be great on Lords of salem.

ehy H2 haters, look this


"No, I'm actually not but sometimes I wish I was."

and there we have the problem

