MovieChat Forums > Ender's Game (2013) Discussion > Do whites notice white male supremacy me...

Do whites notice white male supremacy messages in movies?

Well, this is the typical "white male saves the universe" movie premise. We see this movie theme MANY times EVERY year. If you are white, especially a white male, you most likely LOVE this theme so you will feel at home watching this garbage. We've got Harrison Ford here trying to make a weak white kid violent to serve his purposes(war, of course). Btw, Harrison(Han Solo) was good friends with ANOTHER white male that "saved the universe " in a few movies that you've also probably seen. LOL! The movie is full of white males(and white-LOOKING males) intimidating and dominating non-white males("watch your mouth, Nick", "That's right, I'm the boss!") and ALL of the females in one-on-one situations where they are equally armed/matched(Ford vs Davis, Bonzo vs Petra). Funny, but I don't see this too often in MY real life but it's an old, old, theme in American cinema. The script has damn near every Black male character picking on the "smartest kid in the whole outfit" to continue the practice of using MOVIES to instill fear and hate in whites towards minorities. They also have the Mexican kid picking on him for the SAME purpose and since you often can't tell the difference between a white person and a Latino, they make SURE to have him speak Spanish for a second. Of course, he is eventually defeated by the skinny white kid who we all know the FEMALE love interest would probably defeat in a fight. The "hero" goes from not being able to fire a weapon, to being a MARKSMAN after having ONE brief lesson from the beautiful female love interest, who of course, is all goo goo over this skinny nerd. Again, I don't see beautiful females attracted to skinny nerds too often in REAL life either!! LOL!! Later, they have him being promoted OVER a grown Black man who, of course, seems to have no problem taking orders from a KID since EVERYBODY knows that he's "the One"! Sound familiar? LOL!! Every white male supremacist patterned movie MUST have SELL-OUT minorities, desperate to be celebrities, to play the part of the "inferior" characters and in this movie, the MAIN one is Viola Davis. Another one is the Black kid who played Dink. Near the end, Petra tells Ender that they thought he got cut from the team and were going to have to have Dink take over as the leader. Dink conveniently says states that he COULDN'T be the leader. Smh....

I didn't post in this board to start a debate with whites(or "Uncle Ruckus"-type minorities) about white supremacist messages in the media. There IS no debating this and I WON'T engage in one. This post is see how many other minorities and non-racist whites are TIRED of watching these cheap vehicles meant to SUBLIMINALLY program the public into their respective "roles". Even though there is supposed to be freedom of speech in America, I'm sure that eventually, the elite white male power structure that is BEHIND this ancient ART OF WAR technique, will attempt to shut me down for EXPOSING the OVERT and COVERT white supremacist messages that we have FOREVER seen in American media. But until THEN, I will be the movie critic that you can depend on to call out white supremacist messages in the media. I will ALSO be calling out the minority actors that continue to ACCEPT and PLAY these degrading roles.


Actually I found this movie to suck pretty hard. BTW, I take it from your post that you didn't read the book this movie was based on... and seriously you should consider losing that chip on your shoulder, you might enjoy life a bit more.


I shouldn't have to read a book to enjoy a movie. What does the book have to do with the racist messages in the movie.

Stop emotionally responding to minorities that are tired of white male supremacy. LISTEN to what we are saying and make the necessary changes or we will ultimately ELIMINATE you from the planet. We are slowly realizing that you want to control the ENTIRE planet and we are NOT going to allow it.


You know...being white myself, I could probably get all indignant and pissy at you over this, except for two things: One, I can see there's no changing your mind about it, so it would firstly be an exercise in futility. Two, I also see underhanded subtexts in various films, though not through the lens of racial identity. For example, did you happen to notice the Illuminati symbolism scattered throughout the Seth Rogen film, Neighbors? When the couple was out in the park, Rose Byrne's character is wearing a shirt with that same owl you see hidden at the top right corner of the dollar bill (I can't remember the owl's name, but it's definitely one of their symbols). Also, and folks can deny it all they want, but I couldn't get past the little light show near the end, in which a baby is in the crib, and they're passing light shapes of the five-pointed pentagram over its body (I know, it could easily have the single point pointing upward instead of downward, but if they hadn't shown the owl on Byrne's shirt before, there could've existed a wider door of reasonable doubt)
There's the ending of Star Trek III, in which during the Vulcan mind meld ritual, you see the female Vulcan acolytes posing in the sign of Baphomet ("As above, so below")
It's that kind of stuff I notice, and once I've seen it, I can't UN-see it. For that reason, I suppose I should be a little angry at you for pointing out what you did, because it saps a little more of my enjoyment out of the film. (Christ! Starship Troopers went and made Johnny Rico into a honky, even though the book depicted him as Filipino) Still, I believe I can give Ender's Game some benefit of the doubt, at least where filmmakers' intention is concerned. After all, Viola Davis's character, while subordinate to Harrison Ford's character, retains the moral high ground despite her complicity in the farce. And in one of the deleted scenes, Dink does give a good reason for not being in a leadership position, as power corrupts, and he may well have not wanted to become the next Bonzo...



"Getting 'all indignant and pissy' is the TYPICAL response from whites whenever minorities express displeasure at white male supremacy."
Christ, man! I'm being conciliatory, not disdainful! You don't need to reiterate a point I've conceded for argument's sake


First how is there white supremacy?

Did you know in other cultures the blacks yes are the heros and some of them never show a white person etc etc?

I think when america has a good successful black person being the hero or the chienese kid or mixed kid and people like it then it will change until then america is screwed now did you see Fresh off the boat?

Yeah all chinese people are saying that happened to me and its the white world thats wrong but yet they chase the american white dream!

I was careful to point it out. BTW, how do you know that Bonzo was actually Spanish? I missed that.

Really the actor himself is jewish

BTW, how do you know that Bonzo was actually Spanish? It was in the book. However, even without the book, the only thing we know about him in the movie is he comes from a Spanish-speaking country. You assumed Mexican based on only that. I'd be willing to bet most Americans would get that as well but it is still just a guess. Basing an argument on a guess makes a very flimsy point

then why did they pick a jewish actor?

People, if you HAPPEN to be white and don't see the MANY white male supremacist messages, blatant AND subliminal, in this film(or in ANY Hollywood film), then that's ok. As the title of this post clearly explains, I'm looking to hear the thoughts of those who DO so that we may have an honest discourse about this WELL KNOWN dynamic in the media. America is having a hard time abandoning old, racist practices in ALL areas right now and I'm interested in finding solutions to this disturbing issue. If all races are EQUALLY represented in movies to you, then you probably ALSO believe that all races are being treated equally in REAL LIFE which is just NOT true. Even my white friends often comment on how racist the messages are in movies and on TV. I was VERY specific about WHERE the obvious messages in THIS film are and if you simply don't agree but have no direct argument related to THAT, then please just move on. Thank you. :)

I dont think its male supremacy as it is white culture

Research the Aryan brotherhood they will marry and have kids with Mexicans No blacks though

I dont think its racist but I do get its hard to change the cultures.

HECK I want Dylan Riley Snyder to play a mexican kid who is the hero or Cameron Boyce to play the hero and his character is black and white

Dylan is half Mexican
Cameron is half black

It's all a take on the "Messiah" storyline. The characters are generally portrayed as white, but if you want to use that as a reason to race bait, then I will just shake my head at you.

well yeah but there were other races here I wish there were more Japanese and chinese actors that were the leads though

No head-shaking necessary, my Brother. I'm seriously interested in leveling the playing field when it comes to racial images in the Hollywood media industry. I don't believe that Mexicans can ONLY play the cholo, housekeeper, or migrant worker role. I don't believe that Asians can ONLY play the scientist or martial arts expert role.

I AGREE but how do we change that perception?

Take for example Airbender they were casted as white but the comics they look white or white and half chinese or japanese not Japanese or chinese people.

I think that the people running Hollywood have TOO much control in deciding the images of different groups of people and I believe that ALL groups of people should be able to decide their OWN image which will eventually be shown to the world. I believe that an honest discourse MUST be had if we are EVER going to get past the problems that we are experiencing. How can white America,

If Japanese Chinese or blacks would audition and get the roles then it will change how many bankable Gay actors are out there?

HOW MANY versus the blacks that are given tons of money to star in movies and tv shows and steal roles from whites?

for example, expect Blacks and Latinos in the inner city to CHANGE their image when a NEGATIVE image of them is CONSTANTLY being propagated in the media. If you TRULY want to stop a particular group of people from being violent, you have to do two things. First, you have to stop subjecting THEM to violence. The Black Americans have been treated violently since arriving as slaves in this country by a white supremacist system that NOW wonders why many of them resort to VIOLENCE to solve their problems.

then they have to go to school and not live off welfare checks thats there big motivation to live!

How has whites been violent to them! Did you know blacks owned slaves too black slaves

Secondly, you have to stop PORTRAYING them as violent. ANY psychiatrist knows that people LARGELY act out the behavior that they see themselves portrayed as. If they see themselves portrayed as savage, then they will ACT that way just like people that see themselves portrayed as being in charge and "over" other people will ACT that way.

then dont be violent and continue to live off the goverment!

go to school get the grades get the education and fight mentally for your rights!


When the Messiah or Chosen One is CONSISTENTLY depicted as one PARTICULAR race, it THEN becomes a problem AND a tool to spread the belief that the race being CONSISTENTLY used, is superior or more deserving of being a leader, deity, or spiritual figure.

the majority well choose which spiritual figure to worship look at other countries

The Aniu who were the natives were overthrown by Japanese!

how many girls do u see in masters or any higher education colleges??? they are always the minority . why?? god knows.. dont blame the movie blame the reality.

I do affirmative action

President OBama is president and they still bitch

Just for fun, substitute each of your uses of the term "white" with "black" or "Jewish".

You're a disgusting racist.

it would seem so and he uses Minority as the excuse doesnt he

No where on the planet do Black people even have enough POWER to deny ANY other race equal access to ANYTHING. Because of white male supremacy, Blacks don't even have control over the natural resources in their own COUNTRIES that whites have ravaged, raped, and left barren and unsustainable for agriculture.

why dont you talk about what black african did to Albinos in africa!

You're EXTREMELY ignorant and misinformed, and when your COLLECTIVE group, white males, is called out for its despicable behavior and colonialistic, supremacist mindset, instead of admitting the OBVIOUS and working to institute a change, you actually attempt to play the age-old children's game of "I-Know-You-Are-But-What-I'm-I"!! Sorry, but THAT didn't work when you were a kid, and it CERTAINLY won't fly now. I CAN'T be considered a racist JUST because YOU are one. I'd have to, like you do, fall under the DEFINITION of racist to be considered one. White males have historically been very adept in changing the meanings of words to fit THEIR agenda. But I'M a scholar of etymology and semantics, so you'll find it quite a bit more difficult to get away with ALTERING words with me. While Blacks CAN be bigots and CAN unjustly discriminate against other people, BLACKS CANNOT BE RACISTS!! Learn your words!!!

and you havent


those are not racist words! I see only whites can be racist since they are the majority

Remember, the purpose of this thread is to discuss white male supremacist messages in the movies so that we can gain an understanding and MOVE PAST white male supremacy/racism BEFORE the non-whites of the planet unite and ELIMINATE the problem altogether. If you don't have anything to say OTHER than denying the existence of a "Manifest Destiny" mindset in the COLLECTIVE white male population of America, you're part of the problem. Especially since it was YOUR leaders(white males) that coined the phrase in the first place.

No the purpose of the thread I really think now is too have your agenda of saying whites are bad and blacks need to overthrow the white crackers!

Africa put there own people on ships and shipped them to the new world!

Yet its the white man who is at fualt

I'm sick of hearing all the squealing about racism. Sure there is still some racism going on in our society but there are many other groups or types that the unwashed and unlearned find something to hate about. And it will never change. It's just part of human nature and will always be with us.

Sadly I think your right since vib says its all the white mans fualt yet he wont recoganize his own people put them in chains and shipped them to the new world

Hell Chris Rock people put his ancestors in chains and shipped them to America


Racism against whites is still racism.
This is my last word in this thread.


There is no such thing as RACISM towards whites because NO other RACE of people is oppressing them by denying them equal access to wealth and power.

Now I know your just a crack of *beep*

Now understand that this is simply semantics and it DOESN'T mean that whites are never discriminated against or treated unfairly. The act of discriminating is a FUNDAMENTAL component of animal behavior and we will NEVER see the end of RACIAL discrimination anymore than we'll see the end of homicide. It's just the way animals function. I'm quite sure that whites that live in, let's say Ghana, occasionally experience racial discrimination. It is inevitable due to the fact that whites are the minority in Ghana. But they NEVER experience RACISM because there is no SYSTEMIC construct that has been created to prevent them from having EQUAL access to wealth and power. Black educators in Ghana are not formulating standardized testing with the intent to marginalize the performance of white kids in school by using the differences in culture, language, and environment to skew the results of the tests. Black attorneys in Ghana are not creating legislation that punishes the "preferred" crimes of whites MORE severely than the "preferred" crimes of Blacks. Blacks in Ghana do not seek to stop or in any way obstruct whites in Ghana from operating out of their OWN culture WITHIN Ghana. Black-controlled governmental agencies in Ghana are NOT inundating the white communities with drugs, guns, and prostitution in an attempt to have them all kill each other with violence and disease over the limited resources. Black politicians in Ghana are NOT formulating voter ID laws with the intent to suppress the white vote in elections. Blacks in Ghana DON'T use gerrymandering, redistricting, or redlining to oppress the white population. I could go on for DAYS!!

THIS is what RACISM looks like

No they just kill them and especially the albinos and the black gays and lesbians!

Unlike white america that helps gays and lesbians better then mother land

I suggest you read the book, and the companion book Ender's Shadow (and perhaps Shadow Puppets as well) then edit your post. In the books, Dink was offered command of a team, he realised that battle school was a game - it may have been a game in preparation for a war, but still a game. He didn't want command. The character of Mazer Rackham - mixed-race half Maori (Ben Kingsley IRL is half Indian). Alai - niger basin Muslim. The books were ethnically and racially diverse, hollywood on the other hand tends to be lacking the same diversity these books did. At least they did try to make the ethnicity of Petra (Armenian) and Bean (Greek) come through a little. Also, for the record, Bonzo Madrid was from Spain in the books, not Mexico. This was supposed to be an international fleet, not an American one.

Wellk thats one thing I dont like about Hollywood at this day and age

since they really never touch on other groups and you know like have chinese new year in high school or dim sum day

After hearing you say that the books DON'T use the typical Hollywood white male supremacist template, I think I WILL read them. However, I don't see why THAT would make me wanna edit my post as my post is about white male supremacy in MOVIES. I find that books, even when written by whites, have FAR less of that *beep* in them which is ONE reason that leads me to believe that the Jews controlling Hollywood are PURPOSELY EDITING the stories from books and using SCREENPLAYS to insert the WMS template.

Tell me which books have gay males in them!

you talk about oppressed people! research gay people Tracy *beep* Morgan said I will kill my gay son!

No wonder people hate blacks

Actually I found this movie to suck pretty hard. BTW, I take it from your post that you didn't read the book this movie was based on... and seriously you should consider losing that chip on your shoulder, you might enjoy life a bit more.

Oh he wont he thrives on it

I shouldn't have to read a book to enjoy a movie. What does the book have to do with the racist messages in the movie.

Stop emotionally responding to minorities that are tired of white male supremacy. LISTEN to what we are saying and make the necessary changes or we will ultimately ELIMINATE you from the planet. We are slowly realizing that you want to control the ENTIRE planet and we are NOT going to allow it.

I have and you never listen as well! your in power and yet you say you have no power

If it wasnt the whites it would be the chinese

Getting "all indignant and pissy" is the TYPICAL response from whites whenever minorities express displeasure at white male supremacy. I ALSO see the Satanic crap that whites(usually Jews) put in movies and it STILL falls under the banner of white male supremacy. WHY do you think that the scene that EXPLAINS why Dink didn't want to be a leader was DELETED in the movie? Marinate on that for a while.

Because they didnt think it would work


I could go on for DAYS!!

Oh I am sure centuries too

wasting your life on race and never trying to be educated if you really want to learn go watch Black White seeing how the father of the black son tuaght about racism and never about money!

Then Renee Said where is your money your DAMN NEGRO!!

If a white person said that that would be racist!


Dude, your post is all over the place!! I actually agree with SOME of the things that you have valiantly attempted to express. Can you take a bit of advice from an older person(I'm 48)? When trying to make a point, take one or two subjects at a time and thoroughly dissect and analyze them BEFORE moving on to the next subject. It clouds the subjects and makes it difficult if not impossible to actually RESOLVE anything. For example, I won't even ATTEMPT to respond to everything you got into in that last post because it would take too long, whereas if you had posted your thoughts one or two at a time, I would have surely responded to them.

You sound young and a bit inexperienced in life, but I TRULY appreciate your desire to deal with this issue that MOST people avoid at ALL COSTS! I wish you well in your life and encourage you to study some African history as written and documented by AFRICANS and NOT white males who are CLEARLY seeking to destroy us ALL by re-writing history to serve HIS interests. He's STILL talking about Christopher Columbus discovering America in the textbooks(I know this because I'm a teacher) when we ALL now know that he CLEARLY DID NOT. You seem to have quite a few misconceptions about the African culture and its people.

Anyways, take care and may the Divine Creator continue to bless you and your family. Hotep


Dude, your post is all over the place!! I actually agree with SOME of the things that you have valiantly attempted to express. Can you take a bit of advice from an older person(I'm 48)? When trying to make a point, take one or two subjects at a time and thoroughly dissect and analyze them BEFORE moving on to the next subject. It clouds the subjects and makes it difficult if not impossible to actually RESOLVE anything. For example, I won't even ATTEMPT to respond to everything you got into in that last post because it would take too long, whereas if you had posted your thoughts one or two at a time, I would have surely responded to them.

Dude stop focusing the white power and focus on being a better person

Realize all people can be racist

You sound young and a bit inexperienced in life, but I TRULY appreciate your desire to deal with this issue that MOST people avoid at ALL COSTS! I wish you well in your life and encourage you to study some African history as written and documented by AFRICANS and NOT white males who are CLEARLY seeking to destroy us ALL by re-writing history to serve HIS interests. He's STILL talking about Christopher Columbus discovering America in the textbooks(I know this because I'm a teacher) when we ALL now know that he CLEARLY DID NOT. You seem to have quite a few misconceptions about the African culture and its people.

Anyways, take care and may the Divine Creator continue to bless you and your family. Hotep

No I dont avoid it but its complex dont you think? what if someone is white indian and chinese? Like Max Mingella?

Well I think some african historians there biased. Some are good at there history.

I suggest you read up on Great Britian and Japan. About the Aniu and how the british rounded up any chinese person in Great Britain even though some where British citizens and shipped them back to China.

Leaving there british wives to tend to there children.

Africans would enslave there own people


Typical idiot. Should have stayed in school, dumbass.


Reported for hate speech


No. Don't let your unhealthy obsession with race ruin your enjoyment of this film. Even racists should be able to enjoy bad movies.


I don't have an obsession with race. Whites do. Remember where we are, idiot. It was whites who declared that Blacks were only 3/5 of a human being when Blacks were the FIRST human beings. Not the other way around. Blacks willingly shared knowledge with whites who then attacked and colonized them. You have a lot of nerve telling a non-white person that THEY are obsessed with race when NOBODY on the planet is more obsessed with race than the white race. Smh.... Your LATEST attacks are on the Mexicans and other Latinos that cleaned your toilets and cared for your children but are NOW labeled as "criminals" and "rapists".


Later, they have him being promoted OVER a grown Black man who, of course, seems to have no problem taking orders from a KID since EVERYBODY knows that he's "the One"!

Do yourself a favor, and Google "enlisted ranks" and "officer ranks". You probably had a big problem with Lou Gossett Jr. saluting Richard Gere at the end of Officer and a Gentleman, too.


I didn't see that movie with Hampster Boy in it. Not really into promoting bestiality which is pretty much a practice of white folks for the most part.


So, you are immune to helpful advice to make you look less ignorant. I will respect your wishes in the future.



Look you idiot. Just because the writers were smart enough to use rank to justify the IMAGE of white male superiority doesn't mean *beep* How many Black men in the military do you imagine have been passed over for promotion simply because they are Black? Yeah, chew on that for a bit, Fat Boy. The bottom line is that this movie(and almost ALL Hollywood, WishJew-made movies) are FILLED with a bunch of racist, white supremacist messages. Some are overt and most are covert, but MOST whites, like you, CAN'T see them. I'm only interested in talking to the whites that ARE intelligent enough to see the disparity. Go back to eating(and smoking) yourself to death, Slim.


How many Black men in the military do you imagine have been passed over for promotion simply because they are Black?

For this to be valid at all, you need numbers to support it. Otherwise, it would be just as valid for someone to say, "How many white men and women have been passed over for a promotion or a job simply because the company/agency had to adhere affirmative action or racial quotas?"

Until you can support it with quantifiable numbers, it isn't anything more than your opinion.


Nice way of avoiding this so you can continue with YOUR ignorance. HaHa!!! That's ok though. There's about to be a war to decide it all regarding who deserves to have power and who doesn't. It's been slowly starting for a while now(even idiots like YOU can sense it), and Donald Trump has poured gas on the coals. This is essentially a spiritual war that has ALREADY been won. Look for the Law of Cause and Effect(Karma, for the slow people) to decide the winner. Hint: It's NOT the people who have terrorized the planet for the last 6,000 years who can't correctly process melanin due to mutated DNA cells.


Thank you for proving my point. You specifically avoided providing any quantifiable proof to what you spew. That automatically means you cannot provide any proof and therefore are wrong.

The only war which needs to be fought is the fight of the blacks against the democrat party. The dems are the ones who have been keeping the blacks down for decades. I lived most of my life near East St. Louis, and my mom was born there. It has always been in the hands of the dems, and they've always taken more from the blacks than they've ever provided.


Thank you for proving my point. You specifically avoided providing any quantifiable proof to what you spew. That automatically means you cannot provide any proof and therefore are wrong.

The only war which needs to be fought is the fight of the blacks against the democrat party. The dems are the ones who have been keeping the blacks down for decades. I lived most of my life near East St. Louis, and my mom was born there. It has always been in the hands of the dems, and they've always taken more from the blacks than they've ever provided.

if it wasnt for the dems the blacks wouldnt have had there riots the republicans would make sure blacks are in line

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Justanicknamed is living in a fantasy in his mind. Don't bother to enlighten a fool who wants to be one. LOL!!!


if it wasnt for the dems the blacks wouldnt have had there riots

That part is actually right. The dems have been holding back the blacks for generations. The Republicans are the ones who passed the Civil Rights bills. LBJ convinced blacks they couldn't make it without government help. The dems keep telling blacks that it is the whites who are keeping them down.

I lived most of my life within bike riding distance of East St. Louis, IL. My mom was born and raised there. Every sh!t hole community of any size that has been a sh!t hole community for a long time has been ruled by the dems.


I didn't prove your point. You don't have a point. Nor can you dismiss what I wrote with logic or truth. Your time is up though, so you better get a new perspective on life as we POC take back what your people have stolen. LOL!!!


The only truth you've written is that you are a hate filled racist.


Just say that you personally, as a white person, DON'T notice the white male supremacy messages in movies and call it a day. LOL!! Declaring reverse racism makes you EXTREMELY weak. But I already KNEW that you were weak. Smh....


You are a typical racist. Just because I don't agree with your racism you assume I'm white.

You are the type of racist who calls black Conservatives like Doctor Ben Carson an "Uncle Tom" and don't think it is wrong to do so.

Also, there is no such thing as "reverse racism". Racism is racism, and that includes black people who spew hatred against other races simply because they aren't black.

Every time a black person shows racism, Dr. King's dream dies a little more.



Ugh. It is so sad how unintelligent racists like you are.


It's so sad how unintelligent racists like YOU are who can't even discern the difference between a racist and a bigot. LOL!! What an idiot!!


I'm not the one who has a problem with a person simply because of the color of the skin. You do.

You are the racist and a bigot.



Do yourself a favor, and Google "enlisted ranks" and "officer ranks".

Nice way of avoiding this so you can continue with your ignorance.


I didn't see that movie with Hampster Boy in it. Not really into promoting bestiality which is pretty much a practice of white folks for the most part.
So you pass judgement and slander someone, based on a urban myth? There isn't a shred of truth to that rumor. Also, please supply your source regarding bestiality.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Nonsense. Painfully laborious gibberish.

