So... It's Bruce Alimighty.

Seems like pretty much the same premise. Just saying.

There... see what you did there? That's why you're dumb.


So... It's Bruce Alimighty.

IMDb provide us with a Preview "button". I always use it before I post so as to avoid irritating typos like "Alimighty".

P.S. Bruce Almighty was religiose rubbish aimed at God bothering Bible thumpers in middle America.

"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects". Will Rogers (1879-1935)


Similar premise.
Completely different execution.


You mean "Bruce Almighty", and no sir it is not. Do you honestly think Jim Carrey has been in the same comedy stratosphere as Simon Pegg for the last decade? I think not. Also, the involvement of Terry Jones and the Pythons adds a legitimacy to the sci-fi concept and, while I love Morgan Freeman, the religious part of that movie was so illogical and not funny. I really hope Robin Williams doesn't get annoying as the dog. I love his comedy and a few of his tv/movie roles, I would prefer not to remember him as an insufferable mongrel.


no, this is basically a remake of the 1936 british film of H G Wells short story 'The Man Who Could Work Miracles'

His anus is soaking wet- Walter Bishop - Fringe


I saw it today. It's better than Bruce Almighty. It's like Bruce Almighty with the Divine Fun:Soppy Love Story ratio greatly improved. Neil doesn't have the limitations like Bruce; he can tell who he wants and affect free will.

No "pleasure" scene though, and the only sex is off-screen. A load of making out though.


Lie I wrote, I can't remember a stitch o BA. Only that the source of power is supposed to be benevolent, without any restriction.

Not in this.

I won't spoil it, but just consider this: would a benevolent god put such an ultimatum ? Be good or bust ?

Come on.

It reminded me more of "have spacesuit, will travel". Or that thing they should have been pushed us into reading in sunday school, only they did not, bless them. What was it called, er, doomsday, I think. But hush, don't tell.

"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"


Yes you're right, there's SO MANY other movies like that, there's ONE.

One other movie like that. Best to skip it then.


Oh what a day. What a lovely day!

