MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Parents who bring kids to fancy restaura...

Parents who bring kids to fancy restaurants and places

I laughed when the movie poked fun at that.

Parents who bring kids to restaurants, movies, establishments for adults are rude and inconsiderate. Recently I had to endure an awful parent/guardian who brought a baby into a R-rated horror movie and try to rock and shush the wailing baby throughout the movie.

Seriously, get a babysitter or don't go out and disturb others. There should be no babies allowed signs in some places or some sort of fine for parents who break that rule.

One time I was at a getaway inn where adults went to relax. I didn't know children weren't allowed, but a rude couple snuck their two children in for whatever reason and were promptly kicked out the next morning. The supervisor of the place came by after to tell us he didn't know and apologized for whoever heard the children running around and disturbing others.

I hope more places take note!


I have to agree lol. I have a 3 year old and 5 year old and wouldn't take them to a 'fancy' restaurant, even though 99% of the time they're well behaved in restaurants. Hubby and I save the fancy places for nights out just the two of us, its not fair on other people dining and its not fair on the kids to take them places like that. And I would NEVER take them to an R rated movie!!! We went to see Ted and I was shocked that there were kids there, wtf is that about?! There is no movie that I could ever want to see badly enough to force my kids to sit through it and hear content that they shouldn't be hearing at such an early age. I'm definitely not a bubble wrap mum or helicopter mum but there has to be some limits on what you allow your kids to see and do IMO!


LOL! So true, I find it really obnoxious and inconsiderate when parents do this!


A kid in a Rated R film? Please! I just came back from dinner at a Wine Bar and a couple were sitting at the bar with a newborn drinking and eating dinner and no one seemed to have an issue, not even the owner of the establishment who was walking around greeting everyone. The mother even covered herself up to breastfeed in front of 2 empty bottles of wine. The baby was surprisingly well-behaved and just sat with its (don't know if it was a boy or girl) mother and looked around. It was better behaved than the parents and a few other people in the bar. I have a 2 year old and I would NEVER bring him to a fancy establishment so he can have an unpredictable scream fit at the quietest moment and everyone look at me like I'm the one who's screaming. Keep your kids home. You don't need to go out that badly.
