MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > what this movie is based off of

what this movie is based off of

this movie is based off of the parasite Cymothoa, and to honest, thats *beep* terrifying. what that parasite does is attaches to the tounge and drinks out all of the blood from it, then, after its gone it replaces the tounge. what it looks like they did in this movie was made it bigger and more typical as it goes inside you and eats your organs. to me having a giant creature for a tounge is scary as *beep* and leads me to believe their may be zombies in the film. honestly ive never understood why paranormal activity is scary, i have yet to see the unseen horror tactic work perfectly, but this one looks scary as *beep* and i will be seeing it.
but on another note, people hate on movies that are found footage but they have been doing this *beep* FOREVER so just let it take course until they finally make a collection of found footage movies and it goes away. then, of course, youll wine about the new horror fad or remakes. which also have been around forever and i think that they should remake horror movies but stick to bad ones, im rambling now and i shall take my leave.


I'm not quite understanding the people who are actually critcizing the films plausibility. It's horror; the point is to suspend belief. It's high unlikely that a My Buddy doll will suddenly pop up and go on a killing spree; but that dosn't make Child's Play any less entertaining.


The point of a horror movie is to horrify. Suspension of disbelief isn't a necessary requirement for horror, just for implausibility and there's a difference between the fictitious and the implausible.

And Chucky was a "Good Guy" doll.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


Things are based ON other things, not OFF OF them.


what kind of English is that? your spell checker is off evidently. In your case, that is lethal.


These type of movies aren't for everyone. Neither is the subject matter. I enjoyed the Paranormal Activity movies for what they were. Some were better than others, but to enjoy movie's like that you have to be in the mood and play along. The attitude you bring to any horror movie determines how much fun you get out of it. If you go in expecting excellence and a perfect experience, you're always going to be disappointed. I went into this movie with no expectations and really lied it. It's not great, but I think it's good.

I read about this kind of parasite a long time ago when my friend wondered if fish have tongues. I told her they do and looked for a picture to prove it and found a picture of this disgusting scary creature. It's as scary and s the parasites that make zombies out of ants and snails. Lol

Parasite movies freak me out and I love the sense of dread that movies like these and zombie movies bring. The notion that everything that was good and normal is forever changed and you can't trust the actions or health of anybody.


Based ON! Based ON! Saying based off is like saying I stacked something off of something else. I put candles off the top of my cake. I'm just trying to explain and not trying to be mean. This term is getting too common and it's irritating.


First , I would like to say that I enjoyed this movie.

Now for the science:
The tongue parasite, Cymothoa exigua
The giant isopod, Bathynomus giganteus
Both are from the order Isopoda, suborder Cymothoida - they simply belong to different family and genus. So, to say they are completely different isn't completely correct.
The smaller tongue parasite as portrayed in the fish on film is very close to accurate. All but the harmful effect to the fish. They attach to the gills an migrate to the tongue , replacing it for the duration of the fish's lifespan.
The larger giant isopod is mainly a deep sea scavenger , however it is also a carnivorous predator and has been known to adopt parasitic tendancies.

Many other species over human history have been thought to only exist as parasites or bacteria in the animal kingdom only to be discovered in an infected human patient. As a matter of fact, most of the serious outbreaks in history have come from animal-human cross contamination.

Therefore it is not a scientific stretch to think that these species either through a natural imperative or human meddling could in fact become the threat seen in this movie.

Miskatonic University - Go Pods !!!


You were rambling from the first sentence!
What this movie is based ON,how does that sound.I cannot believe the abysmal spelling and grammar on these boards,everybody please use your dictionary and spell check before posting.
