MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > Don't understand the poor rating.

Don't understand the poor rating.

5.0 is pretty crappy. This movie was pretty dense and very psychological. The filming was great and the acting was pretty damn good for a horror flick. It left me feeling sick by the end. Very rare for me. That is what a good horror film should do. If you like twisted messed up movies, watch this one.

If you love the paranormal check this out:


This film confused me. It started great, and fell flat. It was TOO ambiguous.
Yes, the sister could have been reaching out for the demon/presence in the closet.
But couldn't she also have been reaching out for Molly?

This film appeared to be trying to be cleverly ambiguous, but it doesn't work out.
It needed a solid answer one way or another. It was atmospheric & very creepy yes, but it needed an answer IN THE FILM, not in some commentary.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I think this is ambiguity done right. It's an amazingly well crafted horror film. It's ambiguous as to not give you answers, but it tells you JUST enough to where you aren't lost.


"The film appeared to be trying to be cleverly ambiguous, but it doesn't work out.
It needed a solid answer one way or another. It was atmospheric & very creepy yes, but it needed an answer IN THE FILM, not in some commentary."

In response to ^^this^^ post, and specifically the statement Bolded By Me, "It needed a solid answer one way or the other."

Well, IMO, it doesn't get more solid than with the main, final scene clearly showing Molly walk into the embrace of the demon, Orobas. IMO, that's one helluva solid answer, and doesn't get more clear in its outright showing the answer, rather than leaving it open, or shrouded in secrecy(e.g., P.A. franchise that never has shown the antagonist). The solid answer in this movie, "Lovely Molly" is the demon Orobas.

So, while IMO, there is given a specific answer to what is actually at play(demonic possession/supernatural vs. Addiction/mental illness), there is still the ability to construe what's depicted in the movie to each their own interpretations(which I believe is clearly demonstrated here, in the thousands of posts discussing one another's views and interpretations of the movie).

*and just to clarify I, personally, have not seen, nor read about any of the extra info that's contained in the movie's bonus material/featurettes

**Edited to Add Spoiler Alert**


Would have been good, 8/10, but the sound is unbearable. My ears are still ringing! People are probably subconsciously reacting to it, because there is no way to have a good experience watching this if you aren't watching this in closed captions


I think part of the problem is that people have become very literal and they expect horror movies to operate on a completely literal level and always make perfect sense. This is a bare bones story with a lot of weird, unsettling images attached to it. That is alright in my book, especially in the horror genre. If you've seen films like "Deathbed--the Bed that Eats" or "Psyched by the 4-D Witch" or "Let's Scare Jessica to Death" you might appreciate this more.

On the other hand, if you been brought up entirely on post-Millenial re-makes and franchise sequels and can't stand it when they color outside the lines of the "story", or put the atmosphere before the "plot", or deviate from the usual expectations of the horror genre, you probably didn't care for this.

Exterminate the Brutes!



I think you more or less hit the nail on the head and that this applies to all genres, not just horror, Refn's excellent Valhalla Rising being the best "current" example of that issue.

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.


It has a low rating because, sadly, a lot of dumb asses watched it, didn't get it and hence dissed it.
