MovieChat Forums > Lovely Molly (2012) Discussion > Don't understand the poor rating.

Don't understand the poor rating.

5.0 is pretty crappy. This movie was pretty dense and very psychological. The filming was great and the acting was pretty damn good for a horror flick. It left me feeling sick by the end. Very rare for me. That is what a good horror film should do. If you like twisted messed up movies, watch this one.

If you love the paranormal check this out:


I was surprised myself at how much I enjoyed this movie. I was grateful that this wasn't another found footage film because that is getting old.

**Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible"!**


I rated it an 8/10 but I care more about mood and atmosphere then I do about worrying about connecting the dots on a story but that's me.


The atmosphere was pretty much all this movie has going for it.


my guess is b/c of the derivative nature of the core plot-- Repulsion is a movie that keeps getting unofficially remade, and this seems like yet another iteration.

"Ugh! I don't like this." --Ambrose Bierce


Yeah Repulsion has the patent on psychological horror so no film can use that subgenre anymore.


Polanski. Repulsion, The Tenant, Rosemary's Baby, the last 10 minutes of Chinatown. Certainly not to disrespect The Master but Polanski always got under my skin in a way Hitchcock never could. Hitchcock invented the modern thriller but Polanski perfected it.


Polanski. Repulsion, The Tenant, Rosemary's Baby, the last 10 minutes of Chinatown. Certainly not to disrespect The Master but Polanski always got under my skin in a way Hitchcock never could. Hitchcock invented the modern thriller but Polanski perfected it.


Just because it's derivative, that doesn't make it bad. As time goes by this will naturally happen more and more but if the writer/director's good enough they can make it interesting. In this case I believe they did...


fair enough, but i was offering a possible reason to answer the OP.

"Ugh! I don't like this." --Ambrose Bierce


I'm about to watch this, I just wanted to say I'm happy they didn't go down the path of the last exorcist film I heard about, The Last Exorcism, where harm befell a cat. I do not know why they keep pulling out the old harming cats in horror film trope. Seems the director of this film was intelligent enough to avoid that. It's just, my pet peeve is all. Now to start it up on my PS3.

Just wanted to add, I do care about the girl who died in this. My issue is I own cats, and if they hear another cat in distress you can't tell them it's just a movie. They really ought to put warnings in ratings for films mentioning if the film contains graphic animal harm.


This film is rated C !!! No one else found this chick's cat rant hilarious?? How old is your cat ? If its under 10 it probably shouldn't be watchin' horror movies anyways.


Alas, its poor rating is very much deserved.

A major weakness of the story is that it's not adequately explained to anyone with a brain exactly how she is a normal person during the movie's foothills, then becomes, literally overnight, a psychotically challenged nutcase. That is, unless they deliberately set out to steal a few leaves from the 'reefer madness' school of causality. That being said *if* her symptoms had come on incrementally (e.g., over several years) it might have had more basis in reality than those which we are *supposed* to accept from watching this.

The movie deserved a poor rating also because it wasn't sure for most of the time whether it was supposed to be a (1) paranormal tale, or (2) about the mental breakdown & regressive bipolar distress of someone who does more than drink sociably, or (3), both. Meanwhile, every poorly thought out cliché is thrown at the female antagonist to drive the story slowly through the mud, and frankly ended up as nothing better for its audience than just another poorly thought out car crash in slow motion.

How anyone can enjoy a movie which was premised so poorly and so repeatedly on such unoriginal & hysterical drivel - is beyond me. Conclusion: its poor rating is indeed very much deserved.


Her symptoms began shortly after they moved into the house. From that point on it was a pretty rapid descent. Why doesn't that make sense to you?


The movie suggests psychological issues to explain her behaviour during most of the film but then at the very end the sister opens the door to closet in the bedroom and reaches her arm out to something just like Molly did near the beginning and then descends into madness, which to me suggests it was paranormal all along


Agreed with supadude. Movie tries to be too much and fails at them all. The only good thing it has going for it is the sound design (The dad's voice singing "Lovely Molly" will haunt my dreams).

If you want a mind-bending, psychological horror mash up; watch A Tale of Two Sisters.


The only good thing it has going for it is the sound design (The dad's voice singing "Lovely Molly" will haunt my dreams).

Funny. I thought that was the worst, campiest part of the whole affair. Ooohh. Scary voiiice. Creeepyy.

"'Cow house'? God help me."


I don't understand how this low-rent heap of crap even scored a 5. It's not suspenseful. It's not scary. Psychological aspect is minimal at best. It's a story about a rape gost chasing a girl with PTSD/drug addiction. Throw in some deviant sex just for insurance. It played out like an after-school special. I watched this on a free rental from Redbox and I still feel like I want a refund.


At this point in time the rating is 5.2. I think that is exceptionally high considering what I just saw.

I gave it a 1. Yes, I thought it was that bad! Does IMDB have a 250 worst films of all time? This one would be somewhere near the top...or would it be the bottom?


I'm with you. I don't understand all this hate either. There's a lot people complaining about there being no explanations, plot or closure. Seriously, did you people just watch the same film I did?

It's quite simple: girl moves back into family home where she was emotionally and sexually abused by her father who has since passed on. His presence is now there and only she seems to be able to pick this up. He eventually possesses her soul and makes her do some nasty things. We're not sure what happens to her at the very end but sister explores the empty house and appears to reach out to something in the bedroom closet to suggest she will now be the next victim of the presence.

Besides the plot being ridiculously simple to follow, I felt the lead actor was great and the atmosphere quite good. It's not the best horror film in the history of celluloid but it certainly doesn't deserve to be pegged as one of the worst of all time.
