Irked by repetative actors

I think that Mike Dopud, Ty Olson, Sebastian Spence, Brian Markinson, Leo Li Chiang, and Jill Teed must be among the prototype human/cylon hybrids. They have each had multiple roles in the RDM Galactica universe. From Specialist Gage to Captain Mike "Minute Man" Tornvald, and Sgt Hadrian to Commander Ozar, Jordan Durham to Commander Nash, from Pilot to Marine and so on. How can continuity be kept when the actors keep getting rehired for different roles in the spin offs. Did SyFy really think we wouldn't notice? I know that these people can act and in most cases the characters they have played in the past in BSG Series have been secondary characters, but how about some new blood in the franchise. I am not trying to put these actors out of work infact I actually like most of these actors. It just irks me that syfy thought we might not notice.


Just wanted to point out Battlestar is one of the worst franchises (since sifi ruined it forever) of all time.

Stop watching sifi shows.

Stop ruining life for the rest of us.

Battlestar is the tv show equivalent of getting molested by Gilbert godfried in an old trailer.


It's just lazy casting. If you're doing a spinoff, your casting person should AT LEAST watch the whole previous series for actors and actresses who had any dialogue and avoid them.
