frak Caprica... This was the way to go

So.... Caprica sucked. I don't know if everyone felt this way, but for me it looked like a teen drama and ... well, after a great space opera like Battlestar, it did no good.

But this... just watched episodes 1 and 2 on youtube. Great webisodes. Sure, there is room for improvement, but all in all, a great show. The script so far is well written, the carachters are nicely introduced and the storie flows...

This was... in my op.... a great prequel to Galactica. While waiting for ep 3 to be released friday with some anxiety I remember the way I used to wait for Galacticas eps while Season 1 was just airing... All that hope and expectation for what could happen.

I really hope this show is made into a tv series. A movie would be nice, but in all fairness, would be to to brief and the story would be cut short.

I would like to say that, surely, something that has a great soundtrack, good performances and a brilliant story (not to mention, interesting to galactica existing fans) would be produced and given an oportunity... but I remember that in the past there were such shows as Firefly or the 4400 and those were cancelled so...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

ps. Sorry for my bad grammar, not american nor native english speaker


Caprica was like taking all the boring/questionable parts of BSG and leaving out the fun parts. Blood & Chrome seemed to be the opposite.



I don't agree that Caprica sucked. It started out slow but improved over time. In the end, the Caprica episodes make a nice prequel to Blood and Chrome.


Totally about what you say about Caprica, though I liked the Matrixy thing (forget what it was called) and I would watch it again just for Magda Apanowicz... but then I'll just watch Kyle XY it was a much better show... lol


Interestingly, in Blood & Chrome, V-World (the Matrix-esque VR world) is directly referred to a number of times, and the implication is strongly made that Graystone Industries' headbands were adapted for military use after the First Cylon War began, as we see in the movie (Commander Ozar using one to brief Adama's crew on their secret mission, etc.).


Caprica is considerably better than the parent show.


Caprica was okay, but what I didn't like was that every single character on the show did something that was ridiculous at one point or another. It was very hard to cheer for a particular character.

The very fact that Daniel Graystone is adamant about his robots having sentience, consciousness, and self-aware is beyond ridiculous. They're machines, they are programmed. They are following lines of code. They later revolt against humanity because of a line of code that tells them to make themselves the best they can be.

The very idea that the Zoe and Tamara avatars are self-aware and conscious is stupid. Zoe died on the maglev attack, as did Tamara, their avatars do not replace them in the slightest--to build a story around that is stupid.

You got the esteemed lawyer Joseph Adama going crazy thinking his daughter is still alive in virtual world blows my mind. It's a program you imbecile, it's not sentience. All Daniel did was take a bunch of Tamara's school grades and experiences and put them into computer code, this does not build a person.

As cool as New Cap City is, the show spends too much time in the fake world instead of the real Caprica City.

Then you have Clarice Willow, who bears a striking resemblence to Battlestar Galactica's reimagined '3' Deanna, you might as well just have Clarice as the very first Cylon. The very idea that Clarice would preach such ridiculous hatred of her fellow humanity into machines is beyond believable.


Frak Caprica indeed. Never got to care enough about it to even start watching it. The biggest problem I have with its concept, however, is something that Blood & Chrome shares, unfortunately: they're sci-fi productions that go back in time to tell us what happened before. I don't give a rat's ass what happened before, I watch sci-fi because I want to see things go forward, not backward. Always forward and as far as possible. That's what sci-fi is to me.

Same reason I don't consider "Enterprise" a proper part of the Star Trek universe - it went back in time instead of moving ever forward.


I personaly love Caprica. Excellent SF.


"frak Caprica" I agree. This was good.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley
