MovieChat Forums > The Normal Heart (2014) Discussion > Had I been born just 15-20 years earlier...

Had I been born just 15-20 years earlier, I probably would have gotten HIV/AIDS.

The guys in the '80s were so goddamn hot, I'd have been in big trouble. Whenever I watch '80s porn with all of those gorgeous unspoiled (non-tattood), speedo-tanlined guys, I feel like I missed out on the most incredible decade as a result of being born too late. But then I have to remind myself that if I'd have been sexually active during those years, there's a good chance I wouldn't be here today. It's crazy to think that this massive epidemic was going on all around me at the time and I was completely oblivious to it all by virtue of being just a kid. From my perspective, the '80s were the best decade ever--but whenever I speak with older gay men, they say the '80s were absolutely terrible. What a difference in perspective 15-20 years makes.
