MovieChat Forums > Stoker (2013) Discussion > This is a SICK Movie...

This is a SICK Movie...

I think anyone who liked this crap needs to go in for psychological counseling. I couldn't even finish watching this crap.


Or maybe you're just not able to understand it. :) Some viewers need everything spelled out for them in order to "get it". Sad.

Dennis Alexis


Some viewers need everything spelled out for them in order to "get it". Sad.

Sad but true. There's just a lot of literal mindedness these days, a lack of imagination - if you don't use it, you lose it.


"This is a SICK Movie..."

Which is part of what made it good. That, and the direction.

I watched it twice, got more out of it the second time. A good movie will do that to you. Your usual "stuff blows up real good" movies aren't worth a second viewing.


Neither did I. This movie IS repulsive. I read the ending on Wikipedia because I eventually got sick of it. Apparently India starts a killing spree.
Whatever. I don't ask for much out of the movies I watch. I have only 2 rules: 1) Don't bore me. 2) Give me someone to root for. Not necessarily a superhero type of protagonist, just someone I can relate to, that brings the human element to the story. There's nobody to root for in this movie. The Uncle is the killer, India's Mother is a bitch, and India shows signs of psychopathy earlier in the film (casually eating ice cream after discovering the maid's dead body in the freezer, masturbating while remembering her date's neck getting snapped) that you simply can't relate. Everyone seems to love this movie. I found it depressing and unpleasant. I fail to see any appeal in this for anyone, except those who want to oggle the actors and actresses. But you can do that in better movies. Movies that won't make you feel like you need to take a shower afterwards.


(casually eating ice cream after discovering the maid's dead body in the freezer, masturbating while remembering her date's neck getting snapped)... Everyone seems to love this movie.

What's not to love?


She was eating the ice cream before finding the dead maid.

I just re-watched the scene. She didn't find her until putting the ice cream back into the freezer.


I don't ask for a character I can root for or have something in common with. My favorite movies have characters that are flawed, complex, and that makes them more interesting. I've always been interested in a serial killer's back story, what makes them tick, and the fact that an 'evil' person is not evil through-and-through, but rather has some good and dare I say endearing qualities to them. It makes things much less black and white and much more open to interpretation and that is what is most interesting of all. In other words, the journey is better then the destination. I found her personal journey to find herself fascinating even though she ended up being a killer down to her DNA core, and I don't have to identify with her to feel that way.

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Jesus Christ. It's a movie! I really like certain war movies like "Apocalypse Now" and "Paths of Glory", but that doesn't mean I think war is great in REAL LIFE. This is about an uncle and niece (or "uncle" and "niece") who share a propensity for serial murder. They make movies about serial killers all the time. I don't think everybody that watches "Dexter" or "Hannibal" is "sick" and needs counseling.

If you're reacting to the incest and the "pedophilia", first off, that is only a subtext. At no point, does the guy actually ever plow his niece (unfortunately). And you ought to see "Oldboy" some time there! But people don't seem to get that incest and sexual perversion in movies doesn't have to be taken any more seriously than horrible death and murder are. Of course, those things are all horrible in real-life, but this is NOT real-life.

The "pedophile" thing is really funny What does a very cute twenty-something actress playing an 18-year-old character (even it were a 16-year-old character) possibly have to do with a real-life attraction to prepubescent children? That's just plain stupid.

Stop with this half-assed psychoanalysis.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


...but in a good way, like Dead Ringers was with Jeremy Irons playing the twin gynaecologists. Dark, really well done, beautiful, unpredictable, powerful shots and imagery. Out there movies that don't hold back, bring on the counselling then.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


And there are plenty of sick people in the world. So nothing really shocking there. There are plenty of other, even more "sick" movies out there, and there should be, because they portray sick people and they have a right to. Or do you think the world consists only of "normal" and happy people? My advice, stick to your Little house of the prairies if you want that.

"I'd like to keep Spike as my pet"- Illyria, Angel S. 5
