One thing about Patrick...

There was just one thing about Patrick that really bugged me. In the book, Charlie is shocked when he find out that Patrick is gay, which gave me the impression that there was very little notion that would suggest that he was. However in the movie I felt Patrick was really flamboyant, and I didn't buy it for a second that Charlie could have thought he was straight. I didn't get a flamboyant vibe at all from Patrick when reading the book, but in the movie I thought it was really obvious right from the beginning that he was. I don't know, that's just my opinion. Maybe I was biased because I had read the book and knew he was gay before hand. To anyone, especially those who didn't read the book before watching, did you find Patrick's sexuality to be kind of obvious from the beginning? Other than that, I really enjoyed the movie.


Well keep in mind Charlie is a freshman in high school. I doubt he'd met any gay people yet. I don't think it would have been obvious to him as who he was in the movie. I didn't really know what gay people acted like when I was that age, hell my homecoming date was gayer than the day is long and it was sooo obvious but I had no idea.


thats hollywood for you! every gay guy has to be Flamboyant!


Many guys won't see such things about another guy because they don't want to see it or they simply don't think about a guy in such a way. Hope that makes sense. It's kind of one of those things about straight guys...the ones who aren't thinking about it, won't see it and when it's finally revealed, they are simply..." anyway...".

Life ain't easy when you're a Froot Loop in a world full of Cheerios.


Honestly I think that's just supposed to show how naive Charlie is.


I didn't care to think abt it, so I didn't really know he was gay
but there were a lot of factors to shock Charlie or lets say surprise him coz he wasn't shocked as I think
first he was high
second he was searching for the bathroom and mistakenly opened that door
third there was Brad in there with Patrick which was surprising
I guess even if Patrick was with a girl then Charlie would've reacted same way, not shocked but surprised
even Patrick didn't try to explain that he was gay, he just wanted him not to tell abt Brad so Patrick was known to be gay and it was no secret and he even said during truth or dare something referring to him being gay abt the kissing.

"It is never about what happened, it is only how you look at it!"


I think for me, Patrick while he 'acts' gay (whatever that means) he is also a very confident & outgoing person.
To have his sexuality buried beneath that persona would allow ppl to mistakenly assume that he'd be straight... if he were gay they'd think he'd be telling the world yes?

As for me the viewer, I figured he was 100% just as soon as I/Charlie found out (never read the book) that Patrick & Sam were so tight but neither a couple nor siblings.


I agree. He was TOO flamboyant, no way would Brad be with him.

Are you not entertained?


I think it works fine for the movie, in so much that we don't need to see Charlie discover such a thing, because as from their kiss, gay isn't a thing either way for him. As it should be. Patrick is just Patrick, gay be damned. 50
