Hugo vs The Artist

Both are virtual love letters to film history. I liked both, but think Hugo was the more deserving of the Best Picture Oscar. IMHO


I'm just gonna throw this out there, despite being in the minority, but Hugo was pure magic for me, not only as a love letter to cinema, but a cautionary tale as to what happens when you let your passions fizzle out. Mine was just about to fizzle out, then I saw this movie and everything just washed over me, so I have a lot more of a personal connection to this movie. The Artist was a decent enough movie, but way too gimmicky for me to be an "award-winning movie" because when you pull the gimmicks away, look at how well the director did with his latest film at Cannes. Perhaps an argument can be made that The Artist played on the sentimentality of older voters?


I didn't get a chance to see Hugo, so I can't really comment on its portrayal of old Hollywood. I did enjoy The Artist a great deal and I don't see why it's not deserving of Best Picture. People should be happy a foreign film won Best picture for a change rather than the same old American Oscar bait films. Plus it's not like Hugo wasn't nominated...

Although I've heard nice things about it, Hugo looked a bit too CGI laden to me which turned me away from it.


HUGO: 6/10
THE ARTIST: 6.5/10

2011 was a rare year in which I didn't give any Best Picture nominee a 9 or a 10.


Seriously, why you even bother to rate movies and come here and share them with people when you've rated;
The godfather - 7
The godfather - 3
2001: 3
Goodfellas - 6
Se7en - 4
The usual suspect - 5
Casablanca - 6
Rear window - 1
The pianist - 4
Citizen kane - 6
Stalker - 3
Casiona - 4
goes like this...

yet you've rated films like;
Batman begins - 9
The wolf of wall street - 9
Guardians of the galaxy - 9
X-men days of the future past - 9

Why did you even watch a b&w silent film. Wasn't it obvious that you would get bored to death.

Don't get me wrong btw, i'm not criticizing you, everyone has their own preferences. It's just that i've seen you've many films that you've rated and I'm just trying to say that you're wasting your time by voting the films you're watching as nobody will take them seriously. Forget the critizing part, just watch them.


How convinient that you somehow skipped my positive ratings for black & white and/or silent films, and my negative ratings for blockbusters.


The Artist is the far better film.


While I enjoyed the Artist, Hugo was a much better film of the two.


I gave both a 9 but 'The Artist' just shades it for me.


I thought Hugo was fcking terrible, and easily Scorsese’s worst movie when I saw it. The Artist was decent in comparison.
