MovieChat Forums > The Artist (2012) Discussion > List the Best Picture Winners of the 21t...

List the Best Picture Winners of the 21th Century, from best to worst

Obviously beginning from 2001 and forth.

Here is my list :

No Country for Old Men 9+/10
The Artist 9/10
The Return of the King 9/10
The Departed 9-/10
A Beautiful Mind 8,5/10
The King's Speech 7/10
Slumdog Millionaire 6/10
Chicago 5/10
Crash 4,5/10

Haven't seen the other 3, obviously.

Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.


1. Birdman, or: (the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (Boyhood deserved it)
2. La La Land (come on, you know it's gonna win...)
3. The Departed
4. No Country for Old Men
5. Slumdog Millionaire
6. The Hurt Locker
7. Million Dollar Baby
8. 12 Years a Slave (Her deserved it)
9. Chicago
10. Gladiator (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon deserved it)
11. Spotlight (The Revanent deserved it)

I haven't seen the rest yet.
