family guy

cleveland's family has not made many appearances on "family guy" after this was cancelled, the voice of lois appears in this episode in a small part, also seth as the doctor, some guest appearances, i stuck with it until the end credits and saw both ed asner and carl reiner appeared in this christmas special, and the christmas song it opens up with i listen to b.b. king's 🎸 version every christmas on his christmas album. this episode partly reminds of the twilight zone episode "kick the can". they make a snow angel joke here just as the opening credits on family guy's "road to the north pole", the dvd this episode is featured on as bonus material. you know what i would watch, a joe swanson spin off, he has got just such a funny voice, i recognise it now whenever i see the actor in some movie or old sit com.

🤶 🎅 🎄 ❄️ ☃️

this place cause harm to one self,
found healing in your embrace,
a beautiful soul,
matching the shell you got on,
from north expert how to treat cold,
without your lovin id be gone.
