MovieChat Forums > Breaking In (2011) Discussion > What the hell happened to this show?

What the hell happened to this show?

Everything I liked about Breaking In was destroyed in 22 painful minutes of the season 2 premiere of the show.

Best physical comedian characters (Dutch & Josh)....GONE
Oz's sharp & sarcastic and enigmatic tough-love management style....GONE
Cameron & Melanie's will they or won't they.....GONE
Another quirky & off-putting female character added....GROAN

This zombie show would have been better off as a corpse.


Veronica 'Ronnie' Mann is the whole reason

here's hoping for a quick death for the new season.... there's a hope that something, anything new can't be as bad - unless they want a new vehicle for the dire Mullally


I'm baffled why so many "fans" of the show keep shouting for its cancellation, instead of the far more preferable hope that they simply correct their mistakes and return the show to something of genuine quality like it was. Heck, I don't even mind the new assistant. All they really need to do is have Mullally get hit by a piece of falling satellite or something, die instantly in a humorous yet grisly fashion, and let Oz get back to being himself. Well, that and tightening-up the writing a bit, as they've seemed to go from wit to slapstick with the new season.

I don't want the show to die, I want my show back!


So is this cancelled?


I totally agree with the OP, on all points. Megan Mulally is just irritating, even though I kind of liked her on Will and Grace.

And one more thing...What happened to the original concept..Breakin In! When was the last time they actually did that? Of course I didn't watch the last episode because I hate all the changes.


Good so it's not just me.

I still love the characters that are held over from season 1, but I feel like they tried to reinvent the show with the second season opener. I mean what happened to the chick Cam was going after from high school- did I miss something or were they starting up a relationship? No mention of what happened to Josh or Dutch?

My fingers are crossed that Dutch will come back in some capacity, because MM's character is not able to pull off the loveable douchebag. I know MR is filming a movie right now, but maybe once that is done he'll be back. Same could go for Mel since House is ending this year.

And note to writers, the show was at its best when you had an episode that was themed around a mission, like ComiCon or Back to School. The missions are key to keeping the show structured.

FOX please don't ruin this show for good because I love all the major players; they deserve the show to be as great as it was when they signed on.

There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


Megan Mullally needs to go. The show is so focused around her and i'm pretty sure none of us care.

The lack of focus on missions has also completely destroyed the show. It's simply not the same show and the characters we liked are kind of all sidelined.


Dont forget they NEVER BROKE IN.

I'll bring the BEARDS.


I was just seeing if this show had been cancelled because I'm cleaning up my dvr manager and read this. It is really a brilliant comment on the show. Just had to tell you.

What we have here is failure to communicate!


it was okey show at the beginning but now it so *beep* awful.


I soooo miss this show Christain Slater is so hot and he was soo funny on this show.!!!!!!! I wish they would bring it back!!!!!! I MISS THIS SHOW BRING IT BACK!! The first season was soo funny I cant remember his name but the boyfriend of the girl who liked dressed up like a teenager from the early 90's and they are like hi narc he was like something about a new trapper keepers and throws it down....I soo miss the original cast and show!! Please bring it back!!!!!

Game Over!


The last 8 episodes of the second season were magnificent. It's like they were saving the best for last. Too bad to know the show's cancelled.


Oh thank God, you weren't lying. After having to endure the first five episodes of season 2 I was just bracing myself for more disappointment. Looks out the writers finally managed to tone down Mullally's crazy and put together some truly charming episodes. Too bad the TV-viewing public never got to see them. Whatever. I still blame Megan Mullally for destroying this series, and who knows? Maybe one day Bret Harrison can star in a show that lasts for longer than two seasons.
