Your most awesome moment?

For me it has to be when I was playing with one of my pals and we were making our way to either a flag or an M-COM station which was being heavily defended.
There were potholes and craters in the ground from mortar strikes and AT mines and we'd just ran into one to take some cover from fire.
Then I pop up to see if it's clear to move on to new cover and I am face to face with a god damn tank which is rolling towards us at high speed.
It comes up the edge of the crater and rolls over the top of us but pretty much lands its front end on the other side so my pal and I are now underneath it.
Because we were both so awestruck by the event neither of us thought to plant some C4 on the tank's belly and we scarper from the sides and to safety...

More information on this signature is available on IMDbPro.


My favorite one was defending the last mcom (sorry, don't know the map name)as a medic. A bunch of teammates and I ended up in a room adjacent to the mcom when the enemy poured in and just murdered the hell out of my team. I was lurking behind the door and was able to defib all 3 of them, who got up and killed all the enemy soldiers. They came back; rinse and repeat. Every time someone died I was able to defib. 4 of us were able to hold off the other team for a good while until they got wise and pulled the place down around our ears.

Aaah, buckle this.


Two good moments:

As a Recon, I put explosive C4 all around the MCOM station and went to a distance. Literally, 6-7 guys poured into the room and I blew the charges. The entire building just went down in flames.

And also as a Recon, I was walking along and then I spotted a sniper like 25 yards ahead of me. I was going to sneak up on him, but he turned around when I was like 10 yards away. I aimed quickly and blasted him, killing him. The best part is that once he hit the ground, the tree behind him slowly started to topple and it fell to the ground - I shot right through him and through the trunk!

JAWS - best film ever made.


I'd have to say in Arica bay, when i hid up one of the trees in the background with a sniper, i managed to about 25 kills in a row before somebody spotted me.

That's a very fine Chardonnay your not drinking.
