MovieChat Forums > ParaNorman (2012) Discussion > Do you think it's true? (spoilers)

Do you think it's true? (spoilers)

"Aggie: What about the people who hurt you? Don't you ever want to make them suffer?

Norman: Well yea but... what good would that do? You think just because there's bad people out there's no good ones, either? I thought the same thing for a while. But there's always someone out there for you. Somewhere."

I appreciate the message this movie is meant to send. But I have a hard time believing it. There just aren't enough good or smart people in the world. The only people that I can honestly say made me feel good about myself and free to be myself was everyone from Starkid. But I was only able to meet them for one day.

Everyone else kinda tires me out. There's always that one something about them I can't stand. They're sexist or racist or they have extreme and/or violent views or behaviors. There are people I don't really know that well because I don't have any friendly chemistry with them. The world just seems like a terrible place. :( I dunno, maybe I'm the one who's crazy for not just accepting it all.


Stop holding the world and society to some non-existent standard. You act like it is just not good enough, but not good enough compared to what? Be thankful you get to be part of the evolution of the world, with a brain that can understand it all and do all you can to make the best of it. The world and everyone in it will keep going on with or without meeting your high standards (that only exist in your head). So either be a part of it and do something to help make it worth living, or just waste away being a person who lived their life complaining, bickering and doing nothing but bringing everyone else down.


I was bothered by that line too. But it's what I come to expect, considering the tendency for American children's films to be overtly Pollyanna. This isn't Sylvain Chomet!


I don't think it's OK to stoop to their levels, if that's what the OP is asking... I like being a nice person because it makes me feel good about myself. Sure people have been mean and more to me, but it's their problem and it's not going to effect ME.




The problem with this kind of message is that you divide people into "good" and "bad", when in fact all people are both good AND bad. That came through in some of the other writing of the movie, but not in this quote. Also, this quote seems to be saying that you get matched up with good people -- but it's not really like there's one person for every other person, is it? It's a matter of looking around for the people who are good to you, hold on to them, and make the other people less important to you. Let them go or maybe they will come around in their own time.

Every single person can be a jerk or even a great evil, but then turn around and be a very kind person or even a savior. It's a matter of attitude and trying to understand other people. Empathy and compassion are what prevent great evil. You'd think that would be simple, but it seems to be incredibly difficult.

Be kind. -- Holy Smoke


Of course it's not true. Norman was just trying to distract her because they were fighting.
