MovieChat Forums > Final Destination 5 (2011) Discussion > What were the clues that this was actual...

What were the clues that this was actually a prequel?

1. Isaac's phone being from the late 90's-early 2000's. (I knew that was weird that he had an old phone, but I thought nothing of it until the end, I just thought maybe he was one of those people who refuse to update)

2. No other tragedies were referenced, besides Bludworth saying he's seen people cheat death before.

3. The song "I will buy you a new life" being played, though that could also be reference to death.

Any others?


Olivia had an old 90's phone during the office scene, when she dropped the picture of herself.

Notice all the cars in this movie were 90's brand, pretty much everything in this film wasn't updated technology.

There's no references to the other films, because this was the originally the 1st FD film, and Bludworth saying "he's seen this before" was probably used to throw people off the prequel secret ending or maybe there's more to his character, which I hope we will get to see in FD6.


Technically they did reference each of the other four movies subtly throughout, but that also could be more used to throw people off in thinking they were just hints. Seeing the log truck, the picture in from of the roller coaster, the nascar thing at the end, and of course the plane and france.


Nathan says "I see dead people" at the funeral, quoting THE SIXTH SENSE, a movie that came out at that time.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Nathan says "I see dead people" at the funeral, quoting THE SIXTH SENSE, a movie that came out at that time.

People still use that today...does that mean we are still in the late 90's?

One clue they used WAY to often was the fact they kept mentioning/referencing Paris.
I was already clued into the fact this was a prequel LONG before the reveal.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


"People still use that today...does that mean we are still in the late 90's?"

Based on this logic...

"One clue they used WAY to often was the fact they kept mentioning/referencing Paris.
I was already clued into the fact this was a prequel LONG before the reveal."

People still talk about and travel to Paris today...does that mean we are still in the 90's?


"People still talk about and travel to Paris today...does that mean we are still in the 90's?"

That's not based on any kind of logic, because...

"One clue they used WAY to often was the fact they kept mentioning/referencing Paris"


There's also a Lisa Loeb reference

*Common sense is not so common


Yes, I also thought Isaac was using a weirdly out of date phone.

The scene at the lasix lab might also have some clues because the doctor was saying "I have to enter some data" and "the receptionist gave me an incomplete file." Lasix probably (by 2011) had evolved to where information was scanned more than entered, with the monitors and machinery way less bulky.

The sales office they were in didn't show any computers on the desks, but if they did, they would have been the CRT, boxy type and the producers may have thought that was too obvious.

I love surprise endings and this was a really good one!


The banners in the gymnastic hall said 2000 on it.


I figured Sam being a trainee chef at the restaurant; "Mir081" (180) was the biggest clue?! As it was the same international restaurant chain from the end of the first film that; Alec, Carter and Clear Rivers were dining at in Paris, inwhich the sign from the place broke off killed Carter by film's end.

This one was in everyone's faces the whole time throughout the movie, but it was subtle and cleverly done mind you!


Name's Django, The "D" is silent.


I love surprise endings and this was a really good one!

Yes, it was a very unpredictable ending but again....if this is a prequel then why the hell we didn't hear anything about bridge collapse in FD 1, 2, 3 and 4??? Huge Flaw in this franchise!!!


Yes, it was a very unpredictable ending but again....if this is a prequel then why the hell we didn't hear anything about bridge collapse in FD 1, 2, 3 and 4??? Huge Flaw in this franchise!!!

News media, research, etc. don't casually link any and all unrelated tragedies that result in many deaths. For instance, if there's a bridge collapse, they're unlikely to randomly reference (or search for) it when covering a plane explosion. And on and on. Imagine how awkward that news coverage would be if they just started rattling off tragedies over the past decade or so. And how lucky, in most cases, someone doing a search online or similar would have to be to randomly stumble across somebody else who put "death's pattern" together in the specific case of an "entirely different" kind of tragedy.

For all we know, there are hundreds of instances of similar events like this occurring which take place prior to the original events of Final Destination. You might as well ask why all of those weren't referenced as well.

So it's not a flaw. It makes perfect sense that both the news coverage as well as the individuals doing research weren't drawn to comparisons between notably different events in every single instance.


I wouldn't go that far. A lot that would depend on how much anyone would make mention of "that kid had a premonition". This technically was in a less mass communication time.

How much reporting in real life is done on people that nearly died in tragic events anyway? I'm not really sure something I wouldn't feel certain has to be is a flaw.

Communities left for being out of touch: Gamefaqs, Home Theater Forum
Also left a group on Flickr


I'm pretty sure I saw a flatscreen computer monitor in the office. Maybe it was a laptop, but it really did not look like early 2000s.

Anyway, the fashion and hairstyles did not look like 2000 whatsoever. Completely lame.


I saw this when it came out, and I rewatched it a couple of nights ago, but I didn't remember the twist that it was a prequel until 5-10 minutes before it was revealed. The Lisa Loeb mention seemed a little jarring, but it's not like people only ever mention contemporary pop culture. I thought Isaac's ringtones was odd, but I thought it might be a weird characterisation detail or something, and actually in 2011 I myself was still using a pretty old phone (although more like 04/05 old than 99/00) and knew a couple of other people who did too. Also 2011 is longer ago than I sometimes remember or am willing to admit; rewatching Scream 4 last year I was struck by all the Blackberrys everywhere.

Sometimes it takes a while to notice when and how fashion has moved on, and I'm not sure I had any conception of "early 00s fashion" by 2011, but yeah if you watch this now the way they dress and the haircuts are notably different from the first couple of films.


At the beginning of the film they talked about going to Paris I think. That they want to go there of something. We all know where the plane at the end of the movie goes to :)


I still use a 2nd generation Motorola Rzor and drive a late 90's Toyota.

"Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz"


At the beginning of the bus trip, they’re playing a video about the retreat. You can hear the speaker say, “ Blah blah 180 Corporate plans these retreats...”. Referencing Flight 180.



Isaac's spa coupon said it would expire in 2001 : )
