Tres Nice

Nice documentary. I thought it was well directed & managed to be somewhat touching considering the people & the milieu it covers. But it's worth watching just on account of the scenes showing the interiors/exteriors of YSL/Berge's Paris-Morocco-Normandy houses. They will leave you gagging. The auction scenes are pretty interesting too.
I loved Pierre Berge on it. The only thing he said that I didn't quite believe was that he only saw YSL being "happy" on two ocassions (when he would come out to get his standing ovation after such feverish hard work). But how could that be, when you see during the film all the amazing works he collected? He MUST have been happy spending countless moments acquiring beautiful paintings, sculptures, furnishings, books, trees, etc. & then contemplating them when he played house. The sole challenge of coming up with new couture designs, the thrill of creation must have brought happiness, for he was doing with his life exactly what he wanted to do (and helping to change the world).

I'm just saying.




I think he was referring to the late part of his career, after he’d quit the drugs and alcohol, etc. The footage shown while Berge said this certainly showed a sad, tired, older looking Mr. Laurent. I think his happiness started to escape him as he aged. Sadly. :/
