MovieChat Forums > Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Discussion > You never go full (liberal) retard

You never go full (liberal) retard

Wow, what an episode.

Sure, take away all the guns. Do as much gun control as you want.

You really think law enforcement and the government will be the only ones who will have guns?

Then you are completely delusional.

All the gangs will have access to guns. Felons routinely get guns. They are easily smuggled into the country and sold on the black market.

Look at Chicago and other inner-cities, do you think that gun crime will go down due to gun control? Again, you are delusional.

You want to know what kind of "control" looks like?

Take the "War on Drugs" as an example. How is that going for you?

Hillary is wanting more background checks. This is hilarious. Do you think a criminal or someone who really wants to get a gun will do it the law-abiding way?

What liberals do not understand, you know the ones in their gun free zones, safe spaces and use their verbal weapons of it racist, it's sexist, its homophobic, its xenophobic, its islamophobiac and every phobic they have in their arsenal to throw at you.

They simply do not live in the real world.

They live in a world where everyone rides a unicorn to work everyday!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


What a scumbag.

You have no idea of what you are talking about. You really don't and that is the problem with talking to or trying to talk to gunnuts.
I'm a liberal and own half a dozen guns and most liberals I know do to.

We have no problem with owning guns, we don't believe anyone needs a street sweeper or 100 round mags anymore than you need a tank or a bazooka or .50 Cal on your rooftop.

Background checks? Yeah every little bit helps to keep guns out of bad guys hands. What is wrong with making everyone get a background check. Right now you can go to gun shows or online and buy a gun and no one knows who is buying it.

So it would be easy to guess you are all for EVERYONE having guns including terrorists, violent felons, gang members etc.

So if background checks for EVERYONE helps to keep even some guns out of the wrong hands SO WHAT?
Yeah it isn't quite that easy to buy guns and yes if someone is bound and determined to get one illegally yeah its gonna happen but that doesn't mean STOP trying.
Which is what gunnuts want to do. Now a push to buy noise suppressors for guns.

BUT mostly WHAT does this have to do with 5-0?

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


You're a douchebag.

You didn't read my post at all. If you did, you wouldn't post this liberal nonsense.

I SAID. Even if background checks were required. Criminals don't get guns from legal means. OMG what a moron.

Criminals and the Gangs have other pipelines to get their weapons from. They just don't roll-up to the local gun show and buy their weapons.

Are you really kidding me?

Another clueless liberal.

I'm more than happy to have background checks. I own guns and I have had many conducted on me in the past.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


All the gangs will have access to guns. Felons routinely get guns. They are easily smuggled into the country and sold on the black market.

In a country where guns are so freely available. Does this really surprise you?

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


In a country where guns are so freely available. Does this really surprise you?

It doesn't happen just in the US. It happens ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


People like you are what killed this board. Your signature is NOT anything but troll bait. Telling people to kill themselves? Along with nothing but political attacks and nonstop trolling in threads having nothing to do with the topic of the movie.

Yeah Thanks for killing the comments board.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


No one is saying all guns. You realize some of the safest countries yo live in the world gave gun laws. You had more mass shootings (and by that simply multiple victims) last year than Canada has had in thirty years. You had more people killed in one mass shooting then we had killed in all mass shootings in ten years. Gun control is not some insane deadly liberal proposal.

And when you have to lower yourself to calling liberals retards, it tells people your argument is as worthy as a bucket full of holes, I am sure I could come up with many lovely terms for conservatives but actual arguments prove better points.
