MovieChat Forums > Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Discussion > You never go full (liberal) retard

You never go full (liberal) retard

Wow, what an episode.

Sure, take away all the guns. Do as much gun control as you want.

You really think law enforcement and the government will be the only ones who will have guns?

Then you are completely delusional.

All the gangs will have access to guns. Felons routinely get guns. They are easily smuggled into the country and sold on the black market.

Look at Chicago and other inner-cities, do you think that gun crime will go down due to gun control? Again, you are delusional.

You want to know what kind of "control" looks like?

Take the "War on Drugs" as an example. How is that going for you?

Hillary is wanting more background checks. This is hilarious. Do you think a criminal or someone who really wants to get a gun will do it the law-abiding way?

What liberals do not understand, you know the ones in their gun free zones, safe spaces and use their verbal weapons of it racist, it's sexist, its homophobic, its xenophobic, its islamophobiac and every phobic they have in their arsenal to throw at you.

They simply do not live in the real world.

They live in a world where everyone rides a unicorn to work everyday!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks



Liberal crap




when you go to post a link click on the third word up above it is Link and it is underlined...copy link then paste link in between the 2 sets of brackets! then hit post


thanks for converting it -- the iPad app doesn't have many of these features.


LOL. You talk about criminals while you have a signature telling political opponents to kill themselves. I guess you don't believe in freedom of speech and the concept of a civil society.


No, the sig is about fascist SJWs who silence opponents by getting them fired, boycotted, and SWATted. They are the vile animals.


Notable that all those mass shootings seem to have a habit of taking place in "gun free zones". It's almost as if a sign does squat to stop a determined nutbar.

And the "only police should have them" crowd? Yeah, because the state and its enforcers having a monopoly on force has always worked SO WELL historically.


People like you are so strange to me. No one wants to take away guns from everyone, we just want to make sure people are likely to be idk, killers, angry teens etc, don't get them.
And your logic is like saying why do we have laws against murder, rape, robbery, people do it anyway, what's the point?

Also, you seem to think that social justice is a bad thing. How are people like you raised???


Posting a link from BreitBart.. Shows exactly where this person is coming from. BreitBart is where the most unstable and lunatics people in this country hang out.


And we have now heard from the Huffington Post


Lol u right jk-02916 yeah the huffington post is a joke its NOTHING but LIBERAL crap - I'm a registered Independent, but I have to say LIBERALS are sick in the head. As for Hollywood, WTF would I listen to any of them jokes who are hypocrites w/their gun carrying body-guards and sean penn who carries them in his glove compartment of his car - now that is one sick pup who shouldn't be allowed to carry a weapon b/c of his "hot tempered" personality! They also make movies constantly w/them carrying guns .. its just all double standard. I don't think any craze should walk in and get a gun, but they always find a way to get them anyway.


WOW such a lot of anger and hate Idddhunter.

Seriously you might want to get some help. And you are no more an independent than the man in the moon. Just a cover to pretend to not be what you are.

And funny how you equate movies with the real world.

Seriously though, get some help, go to anger management, something.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


They simply do not live in the real world.

The world where ATF is chronically underfunded, especially in the areas of gun control measures; completely pushed out by the gun lobby?

Yeah, your reality must be the one, where the cops say "I can't go to every wackos house and take his gun away. I would need 20 more people and I don't get them, I have to drive around protecting people".

And you think, its the cops fault. Sure.

Look at Chicago and other inner-cities, do you think that gun crime will go down due to gun control? Again, you are delusional.

So, there was a tried and proven method to send in 100s of cops and ATF specialists and taking the guns away, and locking hard criminals with guns up?

And it didn't work? Have you scientific proof, or are we, again in the above territory of gutting police and then telling everybody that control doesn't work?

This happens when you send out 300 agents to take down the mob. It works.

Not even trying is not the same as "it doesn't work". Yes it does work, as proven in many other countries.

If you want to keep your Gattling 100-shots-a-second-gun, use other arguments then those that are clearly bull.


I just love reading these insecure gun loving childish losers inane comments, and you add the "liberal" ideological nonsense -one more- into the picture: you are a perfect cliché.

Speaking of delusion: someday you may discover that in the "real world" and every other civilized country on earth they manage to go on with their life without an unsecured arsenal ready to be stolen by criminals, that people manage to survive without an AR-15 carbine and its accessories, half a dozen guns and thousands of bullets stashed around their house: and why? Because they have working gun regulation and never considered selling to insecure gun-nuts overpowered weapons and an arsenal which end up stolen, resold to a straw buyer for a felon and in fine killing people, most of the time family members. If one could debate the possibility of having some six-shooter hand gun properly secured at home for self-defense, that shotgun behind a shop counter or that hunting rifle in the country side, everything else is literally overkill, irresponsible and thus indefensible unless maybe if it was rented at the gun range.

Grow up childish clown fascinated with your shiny toys, or do the world a favor and just shut up and stop bringing up your pitiful obsession and fixation to the table, there inventing any "anti-gun" episode along with some "liberal" conspiracy (just to be clear i am a right-winger).

Then some like-minded tool go on mentioning some propagandist article from that risible rag of breitbart (speaking of cliché), but here are the facts:

Firearm-related homicide rate per 100,000 population per year:
Australia: 0.16 (2013)
US: 3.43 (2014)
