MovieChat Forums > Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Discussion > Anyone else dislike McGarrett?

Anyone else dislike McGarrett?

I actually hate McGarrett. He shows off far too much and I hate how he can do everything that the criminal can do. For example, an episode where parkour was involved- you have to train to be able to do that and it takes years of practise and dedication, but noooo, not if you're McGarrett- he's just a pro at everything, for some reason.
It's so unrealistic, just because he was a Navy Seal doesn't mean he's a king at everything. Have you noticed how he never slips up? Not believable at all, humans make mistakes, but not McGarrett.

Let someone else take the lead role already, this guy is a clown.


I take your point about McGarrett, but I am biased because I live in Australia. I think he is just confident in what he does. Being a Navy Seal gives him that confidence to almost do anything and do it with ease. Have to agree about him not getting injured. He has taken a few bullets, but everyday injuries would make it a bit more believable. You may be getting your wish about somebody else taking the lead role. There are rumours that he is leaving the show. I hope the show doesn't fold if he does leave. The show is a great showcase for Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii 4 times (3 on vacation and one with the Aussie Navy). During one holiday, we were on Kalakaua Ave down by Fort Derussy and they were shooting a scene for Hawaii Five-0. Steve and Danno were in this open Mini Moke type vehicle and drove up the gutter onto the pavement and almost got thrown out of the vehicle. They had to shoot it a number of times and once we got closer, we could see that the actors were standins. From a distance they looked like the real actors. ok, that's all I have to offer.


He has never been my favorite. I find him full of himself and a bit obnoxious.


I must say I actually like McGarrett, although it's basically Alex McLoughlin who I like. I don't have a problem with the character. Yes, I agree that it comes across that he's never wrong; but maybe he's just really fantastic at what he does. I also don't think he's smug, which makes him that much more appealing.

I do have a question for all of you out there which is actually a different topic involving tonight's ep. How did 5-0 and the other law enforcement people find out that the murderer and her Nazi father were in Arizona? There was nothing that indicated they had a clue where they ran off to. One of them even made some sort of comment in the previous scene that they wouldn't be able to find them. (Sorry for changing the topic).


Steve had commented that there was really nowhere the Nazi and his daughter could hide, with all the social media out there. With their identities posted, someone would spot them, and he was right.


thanks for answering my question 😃


i liked Alex McLoughlin best when he was on "moonlight". That was my first experience with him, however i believe the show only lasted a year or two. I think he was a werewolf or something. I have to say he is the character i like the least on H50. i do not watch H50 for him, but for the rest of the cast/characters. I could do without Danno for that matter. lol - the 2 lead characters lol. Absolutely love everything else about the show.


Moonlight debuted in Sept 2007 and ran for 16 episodes until it was cancelled in May 2008. It won People's Choice Award for Best New Drama of 2008. The DVD release in 2009 also won an award.


We all know he's not going to die anyway so they figure just make his tv-skill-fu level 10/10.
