What's up with this movie?

Why do so many people find this movie to be so scary? I don't get it. It barely phased me. The jump scares were cliché and cheesy. When I saw insidious, however, that movie had a few parts that scared me to death, because the scares were more clever.


This movie just plain sucked for me. The plot was old and had been done many times before. I liked Insidious, however. It was like a cross between Dream Quest and Poltergeist, two movies I happen to love.


Call me crazy, but I like both this film and Insidious. Though I can see why people wouldn't. About half the movie was spent on Daniel Radcliffe walking all over the house and it takes a while to get going so people could get bored and lose interest. Luckily I have more patience than most. But I think both films are some of the better ones I've seen from the past decade and find them both interesting.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I agree with what LordManHammer said earlier, its the atmosphere. I agree with you OP, this movie didnt scare me either. Insidious was just silly to me but the last movie to really do the job was The Conjuring. I did see that one in the cinema so it might have something to do with it.
I rate the new version of Woman in black to be one of the better horror movies of the last decade. I am however a big fan of the traditional Victorian ghost stories, in a British setting.
I like how you dont bash people with different taste though, and I guess we all get our different kicks out of different movies.


One of the creepiest movies that I've seen .

The opening scene was a killer !

It was helped by the excellent writing and acting.

'Jump scare ' movies used to scare me when I was about 11, but now they either make me laugh, or bore me to tears .

Understated fear situations are much more terrifying then gallons of fake blood, and repeated screaming and shouting from the protagonists .





This film has like 5 jump scare scenes. The rest is about atmosphere. And that always creates a good scare.

I'm sorry if that don't scare you and that you must visually see things in order to be scared.
Imagination is what made things scary, and horror films use atmosphere since it triggers your imagination. People don't even seem to use imagination any more.
