What's up with this movie?

Why do so many people find this movie to be so scary? I don't get it. It barely phased me. The jump scares were cliché and cheesy. When I saw insidious, however, that movie had a few parts that scared me to death, because the scares were more clever.


You're kidding, right? Insidious was garbage!

\m/ \m/


Nope, Insidious scared me really bad when Renai walked into the baby's room and the guy was outside the window. TWIB didn't even creep me out. The scares in it were poorly executed and way too predictable.



I like this post because you're not trying to criticize anyone for their scare preference. I do think some posters, perhaps including the OP, don't realize that there are ways to make a movie scary other than jump scares. The jump scares in this movie weren't great, but the atmosphere was. I worry that lots of horror fans don't realize that this can be an effect.

But again, preference is all that counts. It annoys me when posters jump to being super critical of either a movie or another poster, just because a certain scare did or didn't work for them.

__ __ __
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley



I concur.... and I appreciate your further thoughts... from this movie's board I am figuring out the definition or type of scary movie I like. It's the atmosphere thing. Definitely not the jump-scare, and TOTALLY not gore & violence.


I like both creepy scary sick atmosphere plus jump scares. The jump scares need to be ones that is not just cheap loud noises, but when someone walks past something and you see someone standing behind something in the dark looking at you - those ones. That make you jump even without a sound. :)

Man, i CRAVE scary creepy movies. I know that many wasnt scared by the grudge (US remake), but i when i saw it i didnt see any reviews or trailers, i was alone in my friends house for the weekend, i watched the movie in the middle of the night, there was a slight storm outside with rumblings and trees hitting the windows/walls outside making noises all over the house. And the house was out in the woods. I can tell you honestly that i was scared *beep* from all those creepy gurgly sounds where you basically didnt see anything but just heard it and saw the actors looking terrified. :D It WAS scary!

And yeah ive seen all the japanese ones - all of them. And are the masters of creepy atmosphere without the typical US blood gore noise jump scare fests.

Hope there is a masterful creepy scary atmosphere horror flick on the way!

Take care!

"If only you could see what i've seen with your eyes"


I agree. I found Paranormal Activity to be a complete borefest, I never watched further than the first. The Conjuring made no impact and actually irritated me. Insidious had a couple of jumpy moments but in general is not a scary one for me.

Then, I found Oculus really creepy and psychologically scary, the whole "what's real, losing one's mind" concept. I loved The Woman in Black for its eerie atmosphere and really jumped a few times. I found Event Horizon to be one of the scariest movies I've seen, yet others think its cliched, and even silly.

I don't find slasher movies scary at all, I don't find demon-possession movies scary at all, even The Exorcist left me cold. And so forth.

So, everyone to their own really. Different things scare different people. I find ghostly, psychological and haunting stories fun and scary to watch. Others don't.

And yes, "found footage" is just SO last century, lol.



Insidious was a great film until the "monster" started popping up in front of the camera like "OH HAI!". Had such potential.

>>>Only he is lost who gives himself up for lost.


I agree, Insidious was far more frightening then this. If other people found this movie scary then they don't have the same base of horror movies that we do. Nothing wrong with that, just a different audience type.


The first half of 'Insidious' was pretty scary, and had me covering my eyes at several bits, but the film completely fell apart in the second half becoming cheesy, awful and having bad special effects. All the horror got completely sucked out of it when the Dad was in the spirit world and was being chased by that demon monster thing. It was like it was trying to be an adventure/fantasy film, rather than the creepy horror flick of the first half. TWIB as a whole was superior to 'Insidious' because of this.


The first half of 'Insidious' was pretty scary, and had me covering my eyes at several bits, but the film completely fell apart in the second half becoming cheesy, awful and having bad special effects. All the horror got completely sucked out of it when the Dad was in the spirit world and was being chased by that demon monster thing. It was like it was trying to be an adventure/fantasy film, rather than the creepy horror flick of the first half.

^ Exactly this ^

TWIB as a whole was superior to 'Insidious' because of this.

Mmm both movies weren't as scary as I expected them, but to me Insidious was better than TWB. Evil Dead (2013) which is more gore and less scary story was IMO better than both, and scarier.

"Light up the darkness..."



'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.


If they would have just not put in the jump chords, it would have been more creepier than it tried to be.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


I completely agree. Silence would have been much more effective.


So many movies now rely on more modern horror techniques and blood and gore, but what I found most appealing about this movie is that it's an old-school psychological thriller and it's very creepy and uses it's atmosphere to its utmost advantange.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


what you are describing is movies that tend to be boring for me. and movies with a hundred jump scares.

sure this movie did not have any gore and blood, but it had probably the most jump scares I've ever seen in a movie.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


I thought it was more so creepy than scary. There are a lot of jump scares and the score makes you jumpy, but it's not terrifying. It was creepy though; the whole idea of her luring children to their death every time someone sees her is more disturbing than straight up scary.

you can't just go to pigfarts. it's on mars!


Nothing creepier in "Insidious" than Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe Through the Tulips." I still can't listen to it to this day. My son woke me up early one morning by playing it in my ear really quietly. I disowned him when I fully woke up and realized it had been a prank.


I think it could be because it didn't solely rely on its jump scares - although it had a few, an eerie atmosphere lined the film too, thanks to its writing - and the performances to match - and its restraint from too many visual effects. Just my opinion anyway. :]


insidious is one of the Least scary movies Ive ever seen. It was like a drama for me.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Agreed. Insidious was terrible! I've seen better scares on the radio.

\m/ \m/


I've just watched "The Conjuring" and I have to say that it is miles better than both of these films, that was is scarier and creepier. I recommend it.

"Light up the darkness..."
