MovieChat Forums > What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012) Discussion > Hey women, just letting you know that me...

Hey women, just letting you know that men will never do this ****... lol

The lead men in this new comedy are portrayed as stupid, slow and very whipped. They are walking around with the babies all the time, doing anything and everything for the women at their beckon. It's just not realistic at all, most men will help out every now and then but not to the extent previewed in this movie. It will be a very rude awakening to women that watch this movie and actually think this happens when a baby is born.

The reality is the fact that the women will be taking care of the baby while the bread-winners go out and make the money to sustain their house, cars, food, etc. Sure, some couples are double income and hire nannies and such. That doesn't mean that the dad is a full stay at home dad, those guys are just losers that have no point to life. Real men will stand their ground and bring home the money in order to live a decent life, while the women work at home and take care of the kids.

Just saying.


"I believe I deserve some recognition from this board."




So "real men" are jackasses who refuse to take care of their kids?

For the record, I'm not saying that working makes you a jackass, or wanting to have a career. But acting like taking care of your child is somehow below you because you have a penis does.

My brother has a 10 month old. Him and his wife both work, but his hours are set up different, piled in to three days where hers are stretched over five. So he spends a majority of the time with the baby. And even when his wife is home, he's usually the one who's taking care of the baby. Not because he's "whipped", but because he loves his daughter and has no problem taking care of her.

Now if the woman wants to stay at home, and the man wants to work, that's fine. If it's the other way around, that's fine too. If they both work and figure it out around each other's schedules and babysitters and all of that, that's fine too. When a couple decides to have children, it's up to them to work out whatever works best for them, no choice is right or wrong in general. But it's not unrealistic to expect a man to take care of his own child.

Besides, I don't recall if it's said if the men in the daddy group have jobs or not, but they're only shown in their group. Which meets up at whatever time and they walk and chat and then go their separate ways. We don't know what their lives are outside of the group really (with the exception of seeing them at a baby shower, which isn't much). But even if they are all stay at home dads, that doesn't make them losers with no life. It makes them good fathers who are able to not work to stay at home with their kids. Just a like a stay at home mom isn't a loser with no life, it's just a good mom who's able to not work to stay at home with her kids.


The daddy group meets on saturdays, so there's no reason to believe they don't have jobs. But the trailer WAY overrepresented this plot in comparison to its importance to the movie.


Poor scared tiny-dicked little boy.


Justin, too late, daddys groups already exist all over America. Not sure where you're from, but for working-class America, which is not "some" but the majority, both parents work full time so there is no single breadwinner. Seriously, what is wrong with you? What happened to you as a kids? Why are you so against mothers and fathers raising their kids in close-to-equal (there will always be one parent spending a little more time with the kiddies) amounts? Why do you feel the need to scoff at men and women (but especially women) who anticipate, or are already, doing this? Are you like, proudly planning to spend as little time as possible actually raising and being there for your kids when/if you become a father?

I met Cinderella once... she's actually kind of a bitch.


your an idiot....get a life


You're an idiot. First off, that was a dad's group that met together; there was no indication that the fathers were stay at home fathers.

And I don't know if you know this, but this is 2012. Women can and do outearn men. Many couples who choose to have a parent stay at home base the decision on who makes the most or has the better set of benefits and job security, not soley on gender.



I smell a troll.....just ignore this vermin.

Real men also don't cry? Should these men also consider their wives and children property?

What century are you from?

Get a life, these are men taking care of their children on a Saturday because they love their kids and want to spend time with them. Apparently in your world men are not allowed to become attached to their offspring? I pity any woman who spends any time with you and your old-fashioned way of thinking.

Go back under your bridge.


Depends on the situation; in some cases it might not make sense for the woman to stay home if she has a degree or skill that gives her substantially more potential income than her husband . A real man will make the best decision for his family, rather than stroke his own dick in the pride of being "the breadwinner."
