Left wing propaganda

Love Kathy Bates, certainly in the roll of Harriot Korn. I did like the show but found myself watching it to see how far David E. Kelley, (the show's creator,) would go with his leftist propaganda. Just like in his "Boston Legal", he continues to outdo himself in pushing his liberal views via a TV show. Every episode had a liberal vs a conservative position, with Kelley making the conservative viewpoint look ridiculous while the liberal position was glorified.


I´m Swedish and even I picked up on this. It just feels bad when a show tries to force morals down your throat, It dosent matter if its leftish or rightish. I might be extra sensitive though; I think Simpsons i to preachy =)


It just feels bad when a show tries to force morals down your throat, It dosent matter if its leftish or rightish.

Say, what?

Discussing how legal systems impacts defendants without discussing morality is to ignore the human part of the equation.

I find it odd in that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single post complaining about prosecuting attorneys in a TV show invoking morality.

Could you perhaps say more explicitly what it is you're trying to be wrong about.--Dr Adequate


Well all the right wing nonsense from the tea party kooks and other rightees who want to keep helping the rich and the rich only mucking over the rest of us.
A voice like this is needed.
Oh er and vigot if you don't like what you're seeing just turn to another station, and let the rest of us watch.

See some stars here


Capitalist/entrepreneurs, many who are conservatives are more concerned with making a profit than creating jobs. The past 20 years has seen Business in America reduce the number of jobs and those that remain in the US demand more work for less pay. If you wish to see where job creation is a priority, look at parts of India where many older businesses are inefficient but provide many jobs. I would not advocate adopting the Indian model, but conservatives deserve only a very qualified thanks for any jobs created.
I do find that Jean Smart's character sometimes gives a very good balancing and persuasive summation of the conservative point of view.


Left in the USA is the Swedish RIGHT wing.....
So, if you think that a GUN toting lawyer is LIBERAL....
YOU do not understand the USA at all....
Yes, there is a BIT of American Liberal vibe to it.... NOT as much as
people here are making it out to be... Harry acted VERY RIGHT wing on the show I thought....


Just a Gurl from Seattle, living in Sweden


It's not propaganda. Propaganda, by nature, is meant to influence people. This is just to obvious and bad to be propaganda. It's just bad writing.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


The majority of Hollyweird is liberal and the few who are not like Kelsey Grammer, Adam Sandler and Drew Carey keep very low profiles about it. Only a few like Jon Voight really speak up. I read that Carrie Underwood said that it was no one's business who she voted for in Presidential election, which is her cop out way of saying she didnt vote for Obummer but was not willing to stand up and say so. It would be a fantastic way for conservatives to show our strenth in numbers to just turn off tv and movies for 30 days. Let the libtards see that there are more of us than they realize and start writing scripts for us to enjoy.


and those are all actors. You will be hard pressed to find actual artists- writers, directors, etc. of a right wing conservative bias, making conservative "propaganda", as one poster called it.

People tend to associate American right wing conservatism with homophobia, sexism, racism, intolerance of non-christians, including atheists and other religions, closed-mindedness about most general concepts like global warming and evolution, and tend to side philosophically with greedy corporations and wealthy politicians over policies that help the less fortunate.

Most of these attitudes come from being emotionally immature, and being set in one's ways. This is bad for creativity. Having a shell that protects you from new ideas and new ways of thinking is precisely what kills creativity, and that's partially why there are no tv or movie writers or directors espousing right wing ideologies.

However, i thought DEK portrayed Denny Crane pretty well, he is an unashamed conservative republican, set in his ways, but we enjoy seeing him learn new things and grow as a person, much the same way as the world watched archie bunker.


And yet, it appears that the left is the epitome of intolerance, bigotry, blindness, close-mindedness, etc.

Maybe it is that conservatives are creative in a constructive manner in that they can start businesses, create jobs, and live in reality while the left wants to live in some created fantasy world that cannot exist. Maturity is not measured by creativity. The reason we don't have conservatives pushing their perspective down tv viewers throats is not because they aren't creative, it is because they are NOT trying to cram their views down anyone's throats. That is the liberal way. When you must use propaganda in schools, the arts, and in almost all walks of life to push your agenda, maybe your agenda is wrong! Put the information out in a rational manner and let people decide for themselves. Indoctrinating is wrong or have you forgotten history.


And yet, it appears that the left is the epitome of intolerance, bigotry, blindness, close-mindedness, etc.

Maybe it is that conservatives are creative in a constructive manner in that they can start businesses, create jobs, and live in reality while the left wants to live in some created fantasy world that cannot exist. Maturity is not measured by creativity. The reason we don't have conservatives pushing their perspective down tv viewers throats is not because they aren't creative, it is because they are NOT trying to cram their views down anyone's throats. That is the liberal way. When you must use propaganda in schools, the arts, and in almost all walks of life to push your agenda, maybe your agenda is wrong! Put the information out in a rational manner and let people decide for themselves. Indoctrinating is wrong or have you forgotten history.

Not following dogma blindly is not bigotry, blindness, nor close-mindedness.

If this is the way conservatives create jobs, I’ll pass.

But we do have conservatives pushing their perspective down TV viewers throats. If we didn’t the show would be as liberal as it was last season.

Could you perhaps say more explicitly what it is you're trying to be wrong about.--Dr Adequate



"When you must use propaganda in schools, the arts, and in almost all walks of life to push your agenda, maybe your agenda is wrong! Put the information out in a rational manner and let people decide for themselves. Indoctrinating is wrong or have you forgotten history."


"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


I think there are more moderates and independents than either idiots to the far left or right, so I can't say there'd be too much of an impact unless everyone who agreed with conservatives on certain points followed in suit. I just can't see that happening, because there are too many people who think for themselves and don't allow the outspoken and extreme of either side to sway their opinion. And honestly, I wish more people were like Miss Underwood, it's not anyone's damn business who you voted for, and with all the celebrity worship they unfortunately garner more pull for a specific view than anyone. This is why people like that woman who plays Rizzoli on Rizzoli and Isles and Matt Damon need to STFU about politics and just talk about their movies. Private life is called private for a reason, I don't care about their ideologies any more than I care about the Kardashian wedding.
But the fact that you say 'libtards', rather than any attempt that would invite actual discussion, tells me this wouldn't sway you in any way to seeing any point of view beyond your own. Unless you were speaking of the minority
In any regard, you can't really blame the president for our current position any more than you could blame the queen for Britain's. The balance of power is incredibly unbalanced now, and the president is really more of a figurehead, like their UK counterpart. Congress gets nothing done, they halt everyone else's progress, but they also have ultimately the most power, with regards to every other branch because of the fact that it's basically where bills go to die or get so loaded with unneeded crap it's entirely unrecognizable. And much like a person with unneeded fat, it usually dies, too.

You call it immature, Chris Hansen calls it "catching a predator", I call it...The Super Troll


The most recent episode where they once again showed a Christian being evil (the preacher killed his wife) was the last straw for me-I have removed the show from the DVR.I have better things to do with my time than watch that garbage.


And I thought liberals were whiners.


I don't agree with your premise, and even it were true... So what!? You're bitching as if there isn't any television programming with a conservative slant. Fortunately, if you don't like a show, there are plenty of less-left alternatives on network and cable TV. Just because it does not appeal to you doesn't mean it does not have the right to be on for the amusement of others with "liberal views." Grow up; stop trying to impose your politics on the creative work of others; get the hell out of everyone else's living room; and thank your God you live in a country that affords you the freewill, means, and diversity in options to watch or not watch whatever the hell you damn well please.

Kook: Doctor, since I have you here, true or false? Milk, milk, lemonade, around the corner fudge is made.

Quack: Yes, that would be true...

Kook: Doctor, your professionalism has won me over. I will consent to a physical examination.

-Bill Wrubel, writer/producer/genius behind Will & Grace, Ugly Betty, and Modern Family.


if the 15 minute liberal sermon is going to be preached every episode, I will not be eatching.


So, whats 'liberal' about not punnishing someone on bougus hate crime laws, seems to me that is a conservitive position


So, whats 'liberal' about not punnishing someone on bougus hate crime laws, seems to me that is a conservitive position

If you're going to insist on facts you'll never get anywhere with conservatives.

Could you perhaps say more explicitly what it is you're trying to be wrong about.--Dr Adequate


They don't need facts, they're conservatives. They can just make stuff up to fit their political agenda...


To quote the great right-wing philosopher, Archie Bunker:

"What do you know about it, you dumb Polack?"


I really enjoy the show, but if they want to save it, they better stay clear of politics.

Nearly everything that Hollywood has been putting out there that is political has bombed at the box office. I'm speaking movies, but the same holds true for TV too.
He (Kelly) isn't as political as he was with Boston Legal but he is getting in political jabs, like this past Tuesday show, and this country is to divided to be doing anything politcal IMO. It will fail if he doesn't stop.
