Please cancel this NOW.

It just stunk up the place... I can still smell it now.

Kill it! Kill it with fire.


How did it ever get on the air? I guess the only reason the Hanks guy.. has a job is because of his father,,,


It got on air because it's a great show. It failed because audience members are too used to SHOCK TV, eg. humour that is crass.


you stink up the place. If you have such a problem with it dont watch it.


Thanks alot, a**hole. Maybe I'll go over to the "Desperate Housewives" page and tell them to cancel that. Oh wait, I'm too late.


Go take a flying F**CK at a rolling donut! Go back to watching you *beep* glee bullsh*t.


yeah this is rubbish I didn't even survive the pilot...


Funnily enough, I always manage to cope with shows that I don't like by not watching them.

It's quite a simple methodology, and similar to not eating food I don't like and not listening to music I find distasteful.

If I had an urge to ban things I don't like, there wouldn't be much left.
