Please cancel this NOW.

It just stunk up the place... I can still smell it now.

Kill it! Kill it with fire.


ah yeah? *beep* you this show is awesome.



still, he has the right to post whenever he wants.

and this time, he did VERY WELL, this show is pure garbage.



Haters gonna keep hating.

'What is fame? Everybody knows your name; never again are you alone.' - 2Pac


Agree, it rocks!


I find it funny that some people are taking this show so seriously. It's supposed to be a dumb buddy cop series, and everything is done very tongue-in-cheek. It's just laughable that there are so many people up in arms over a show like this and even saturate its IMDb message board with threads calling for The Good Guys' cancellation! There are far worse programs on the tube that are more deserving of that honor than this harmless little affair.

The user formerly known as King_George_The_Lucas


I get not liking a show. It happens. What I don't understand is to get into a fury and go on a board and demand its cancelation? I mean - just don't watch it. It doesn't make any sense.



I fell asleep! I'm glad I DVR'd episode 3 though. I think it's pretty funny but that gunshot thing has to go NOW.


Personally I am burned out on cop shows. Their all just the same situations, just different locales.

Of course I'm an egomaniac! I have America's Sweetheart climbing up my drainpipe!


Personally I am burned out on cop shows. Their all just the same situations, just different locales.


guys - this isn't a "cop show" how are so many people not getting that?

it's a satire...a comedy. it's one big joke. the shootouts - the campy dialog - the outfits - the characters themselves - hell even the sets and camera work are all throwbacks to cheesy 70s cop shows. think starsky and hutch, rockford files, Hawaii 5.0 etc.

it really is just one big joke. and personally i think it's hilarious.


There are too many people who wouldn't know satire from their grandma's slippers. That's why so many people aren't getting it. Many, many people are very dim.


Yeah well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


OldDeliSlicer - that is the best reply I've ever seen.
Very intelligent and more eloquent than my original comment !
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Mine was better.



I bet he wants it cancelled and replaced with some stupid new reality show.



You can actually kill it yourself... Look for a button on your TV that says "power" and push it. To be safe, look for one on your computer, too.

Seriously--if you don't like it, don't watch. And if the show doesn't pick up a following, the network will cancel it (confirming that it's good TV).

Personally, I would never argue that "Good Guys" is the best television ever, but it's damned entertaining, especially if the viewer is a little off-center.


Ya know, I watched the pilot and HATED it. I did not laugh once. But I'm glad I stuck with it, because the subsequent episodes have been considerably better. Granted, this is not television at it's finest, and Hanks is a little wooden. But how else do you play the dorky, uptight, straight man? There's not much you can do with the character. There have been much worse on TV. Michael & Michael Have Issues, Testees, and the painfully bad Hank with Kelsey Grammar come to mind. This show will probably ride off into the sunset at the end of August, never to be heard from again. I'll watch, there's nothing else on.



Ahahahaha. Incredible that he got cast as the new psychopathic serial killer in Dexter.



obvious troll is obvious



You prefer Family Guy?
