MovieChat Forums > Forks Over Knives (2013) Discussion > human body is 100% herbivorous

human body is 100% herbivorous

which is why humans get sick and die consuming animal products and by-products. though growth hormones given to animals, antibodies, filthy factory farms, etc... certainly speed up the process. if anyone can watch Milton Mills M.D. "are humans designed to eat meat" presentation on youtube and say how/why it's wrong, please do.


My canine teeth say you are wrong. Try again.


you don't really have canine teeth, which is addressed in the video. if you'd actually watched what I suggested and said HOW and WHY it's wrong, I'd consider the argument. but just regurgitating what you've been (mis)taught your whole life, "my canine teeth say you're wrong", is meaningless

any open minded adults want to try? yes, you have to take an hour out of your life. sorry for the massive inconvenience


People on this planet are so brainwashed on so many levels and areas of life, it's almost impossible to convince them of pretty much ANY truth that goes against the 'programming'.

This is a sorry fact.

The counter-arguments are always predictable, they never change. They are also easily debunked, but that doesn't stop them from appearing again and again.

Here are some of the usual ones:

- My teeth are EXACTLY like a lion's teeth! This proves humans are carnivores!! RRROWRR!!

- You can't get protein without meat!

- Milk is good for your bones!

- What about Vitamin B12? You can only get that from animals!

- Meat is good! It makes my muscles big and strong!

- Vegetarians are gay / feminine / not-real-men!

- If humans weren't meant to eat meat, we wouldn't find meat so delicious!

- Human eyes are both looking forward, herbivore eyes would be on the sides, so it can see in all directions. This proves humans are hunters and meat-eaters!

And so on, and so forth..

Anyone who is trying to tell the truth, will always run into the pre-programmed response patterns, and in case of flesh consumers, these are perhaps the most predictable.

All of the above have been debunked, it's just meat industry propaganda, lies, misconceptions and ridiculousness that has no basis in truth or reality.

The truth is, human teeth could never rip off the skin of an antilope. Human teeth are definitely not comparable to any carnivore's teeth. Also, think about a naked human running in the field, competing with lions and tigers, trying to catch some zebras and antilopes. Can you seriously see that as a success story for the humans?

Human legs can't run nearly fast enough to keep up with any 'pray animals'. The meat people eat come from birds (which can't be caught without resorting to artificial means, which have nothing to do with human biology), cows (ok, you can catch a cow, but can you kill a cow without any weapon whatsoever, naked in a field? What about a bull or cows' ancestors? Buffalos?), pigs (try catching a pig without any help or weapons, naked, in a field or a forest. How about a boar?), et cetera.

Humans can't naturally defeat any of the animals that real carnivores can. This alone proves that humans are not biologically equipped to deal with 'carnivore lifestyle'.

The counter-argument is always of course "But humans have brain so they can make weapons so that counts!", and I am willing to go along with this argument for awhile. But if we speak purely biologically, there is absolutely no evidence of 'carnivore nature', because a naked human body is definitely NOT designed to be a carnivore. The brain doesn't also dictate carnivore lifestyle, because the brain can also be used to construct peaceful, plant-based food cultivation instead of murdering animals.

Then there are the interesting biological facts about the human body that actually prove that humans are INDEED not meant to even eat meat, even if they could somehow hunt it down after using their magnificent brain to construct protective clothes, shoes, weapons and learning to hunt with them (unless the human would have died of starvation before inventing all that - how lucky that that didn't happen!).

For example, the intestines are very long. Carnivore intestines are short, so they can output the excess, rotting meat out of the body quickly, so it won't stay and stagnate and cause sickness - like it does in a human or -any- herbivore intestines.

Another example is the acidity of the stomach - to be able to properly process and digest meat, the acidity level has to be very high. A human stomach simply doesn't have enough acid to be able to do this as well as a more acidic carnivore stomach. The end result is that the meat is not properly digested, and thus remains a harmful load for the body instead of a refreshing energy boost, like plant-based food would become.

This is in ADDITION to the problems caused by rotting meat moving too slowly in the intestines.

I could go on about frying or processing meat destroying the little (bad quality) protein it might have left, while creating carcinogens from the frying process and basically rendering the meat into a greasy blob of harmful flesh-mass, pure garbage for the body and all this after some poor animal sacrificed its life in a very painful way. That animal would be pissed off, if it could know!

I could also mention, how it has been a known fact for decades that animal products are the only ones that have that 'bad cholesterol' (humans don't need ANY cholesterol from food - the body can manufacture all the cholesterol it needs), and animal products and artificial foods are the only foods that cause heart and blood diseases that so many people die from every year.

I could state that the protein that you get from meat (if there's any left after the processing, frying, etc.) isn't something the animal magically produces, but even the ANIMAL itself gets it from plants!

So you are STILL eating PLANT-PROTEINS, when you eat meat. Why even recycle that protein through the animal and let the animal use it first, worsening its quality in the process, and do it in such a backwards way, when you could eat it from the same source the animal gets it from, and get it in better quality?

It doesn't make any SENSE to eat meat even from this kind of purely logical standpoint.

I could also mention the -enormous- ethical problems and hypocrisy that you are involved every time you eat animal muscles; you have been involved in murder and cannibalism - though cannibalism of a non-human species, but after it is dead, what's the difference? Muscles are muscles.

I could point out the hypocrisy about having pets and eating meat (and some pets people also FEED meat to, which is like feeding humans to each other, it boggles the mind how they see nothing wrong with this)..

But you see, these arguments are not new. They've been raging EVERY time someone dares point out a slightly different viewpoint from the 'programmed' worldview; the milk and meat industry says meat and milk are healthy, so they must be, end of story. "Um.. they might be lying for selfish and commercial reasons..?" - - "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"


That's how it always goes. So pointing out all that (and more) would be completely pointless. They won't get it, because they are programmed to 'not be able to get it and brutally defend their programming against ANYONE, who tries to change it or speak against it'..

The programming is so strong that no matter who you are, you can't get through. It's very cleverly done, with pre-programmed responses.

It's actually very likely that many people will PROVE I am correct by replying to this message, and using the -exact- arguments I just mentioned, to try to debunk my post.

It's so predictable.

The truth = meat is poisonous to human body.
The truth = milk weakens the bones (I knew this long before this documentary)
The truth = vegan diet is the healthiest and most natural way for humans to live

Now, I can admit that in extreme circumstances, temporarily, etc., human body is very flexible; it CAN sustain itself for some periods of time just fine with more unhealthy and, frankly, poisonous diet, like eating flesh of other living (or now murdered) beings, but it's not optimal. It's like running an electric car with gasoline - you might figure out how to make it work, but it's far from optimal. And sooner or later, it will cause problems for the car.

Eating meat causes a lot of problems in all levels of life - it even causes pollution from cows farting so much (as funny as this may sound to some), and for defacating that unnatural hormonal crap (literally) so much.

I didn't really even touch the ethical, moral problem much of what justifies murdering living animals, creatures that we have no right to punch, kick, hurt, injure, or painfully slaughter or shoot in the head and then, whether they're still alive and kicking, cut off their stomach so their innards will fall neatly out.. (I've seen these kind of videos, have to say it was quite shocking to witness)

Most people don't WANT to get rid of their programming, because part of the programming is 'security'.. and 'everyone else is doing it', so you are not a FREAK, when you just do what others do, and don't rock the boat. If you adopted a DIFFERENT lifestyle, you would not be part of the herd anymore!

That would be PURE PANIC, now, wouldn't it?

So it must be defended, no matter how cruel, inhumane, injust, pollution-causing, resource-hogging, planet-destroying, health-risk it is - so strong is the herd-mind-programming.

Carry on, nothing to see here.. just go on with your daily tasks, do what you've always done, and if anyone questions the lies you've been fed, just attack them viciously and return to your safe, monotonic, boring, cruelty-based life.


No, more like this movie is 100% pseudo science and manipulated facts.


can you give example(s)?


The whole movie. Your example


We are not herbivores. Any herbivore will naturally not eat meat, they don't even consider it, if they were starving to death they would not eat meat, such as sheep, cows, Giraffe, wilder beast etc.. With humans it is in our instincts to hunt. If we were starving we would eat meat and even turn on each other. With eating meat we have been able to move on as a species, with hunting we have gained the knowledge for clothes, wearing clothes and textiles, we learned to make tools from bone and other animal parts. Humans are carnivorous by nature.


we don't "naturally" eat meat. we eat meat that has been hunted or raised (most likely by someone else), butchered, transported, refrigerated, cooked, seasoned, and paid for with cash or card. that's not carnivorous at all. it's like saying we're "natural" car drivers. it's in our instinct to eat, and evolve, and now in almost 2016 we can make food and clothing w/o using animals. and it's not just about animal rights. it's better for humans to eat plant based. if anyone watches the video I referenced above and can tell me how/why it's wrong, I'll consider the argument


We are not herbivorous or carnivorous; we're omnivorous, in fact probably the most omnivorous species because we are able to take advantage of any food source. We can certainly choose to go in any dietary direction, but our nature is omnivore.


our diets are omnivorous, but are bodies are herbivorous, hence the reason most of us get sick from what we eat


maybe that is why you are bald. not enough protein. LOL


and too much might explain your man boobs.


only if you are sitting down painting.


Tony Bell, cows fed to cows from the 60s to late 90s.
Ergo "mad cow" disease.


OK I'll bite, right off the bat he says his goal is if anything that people realize they dont really like meat thats why they try to make it taste like veggies. That is absurd, as a person who loves to cook and learn about the food of other cultures, i have learned to love and eat every part of an animal including maximally extracting the flavor out of bones by cooking slowly over days creating the richest umami tastes, this is anything but vegetable taste, in addition to sashimi which is raw fish exactly how it is eaten by other animals, and if beef is well raised and fed well, raw beef is one of the healthiest and most delicious flavors there is, although I would still say it benefits from some acid, saltiness, and spiciness just as people prefer to do with raw vegetables.


"OK I'll bite" - HA HA. anyway, I've heard of Michael Pollan, and I'll add that to my "to read" list. it will be awhile though. I work a 60hour week and have dozens of books ahead of it. I average 2 books per month

Dr. Mills points out how our stomachs, intestines, teeth, etc... are made for plant consumption. watching what I suggested you obviously know this, and as I've pointed out before there is a difference in most peoples diets (omnivorous) vs how we're designed (herbivorous)

you have to exercise as well, but check out if done properly with exercise, whole foods plant based eating is a very healthy lifestyle

thank you for not being a closed minded doofus and taking the time to watch that


His source is his religion which i can't argue with one belives based on faith, However i will comment on his facts which are deeply flawed

He has created a pseudoscience based assumption, that we are herbivores rather than the scientific consensus that we are omnivores, and then used that while creating other assumptions which have been discredited that fat and cholesterol cause heart disease, to show that dogs dont get heart disease, seems like is you erase youre faulty assumption, that you've negated your own point, Dogs also don't eat processed sugar or cows fed on GMO foods, The entire country has obsessively been eating a low fat diet, and we now have 7 year olds having strokes and heart attacks,, and overweight newborns. That is because of sugar! Yes we need lots more vegetables and the impact of gmos on our meat, vegetables and tofu are probably not even slightly realized, The key point is the argument against eating meat is an argument against the industrial food system including corprate meat, and tofu. OUr massive frontal lobes which allow us to socially cooperate towards a society where we are basically out of the food chain and feel empathy towards animals we kill to eat is ironically the result of having learned to cook and eat meat and creating a society which allows one to survive easily on many different diets.

If you are interested in some good food journalism, i highly recommend Michael Pollan's stuff which is very balanced, "The omnivores dilemma" for a more complex, and historical look at the interlocking web of agriculture, government, economics, anthropology, and history. The problem and solution is not that black and white, but if you feel good eating this way, you should follow that and feel good, but please don't assume you have the answer for the planet until you have researched thoroughly the numerous diets around the world people are thriving on, including some meat based ones.



fantastic scientific and medical observation Doctor, or is it Professor, Rapels



This is the way I see it;

When mankind was in its infancy the race was primarily herbivorous, basically a fruitarian. Only after the discovery and control of fire was mankind able to make use of other foods which it wouldn't have previously found palatable. For instance root vegetables and meat, which are more calorie dense and therefore you'll get more 'nutrition' for your efforts by eating it, more sustenance.

However, meat and root vegetables are not very palatable unless cooked, and the cooking breaks down the food so that our fruitarian teeth can chew it, and our digestive systems can carry on where the cooking started.

It's possible to eat root vegetables and meat raw for humans, but only as a last resort, i.e. if you were in danger of starvation.

Since the discovery of fire, mankind has slowly been getting more and more detached from nature, a change which started with hunting, and slowly moved to farming, then to the abominations of nature known as the factory farms we have today.

The way I see it; the typical modern western diet is so far detached from our nature that it's making us ill. The way food which is unnatural for us becomes palatable to us is through processing, starting with roasting meat over a fire hundreds of thousands of years ago, to popping in a microwavable meal like we to today.

Meat isn't actually our natural diet; we're not natural carnivores. That we eat it is a departure from nature, not what's actually natural for us. If meat was natural, we would be able to eat it in its natural form i.e. raw. Id love to see you rip open a sheep's neck with your so called canines. You can't because it's not in our nature to do that. or rip them apart with your claws. You can't. If you notice; our hands are perfect for peeling an orange, but not very good at clawing to death your hunt.

And if you were really a true carnivore you'd LOVE to eat your meat raw in its natural form. straight from the carcass. You can't because you're not a true carnivore.

We're only omnivores in so far as to say that we can eat anything as long as it's been modified and processed enough for us to find it palatable.

The only food we can eat in its natural form is fruit and some vegetables, nuts, seeds. And the fact that eating meat slowly kills us with heart disease and cancer is evidence to me that it's not what we're supposed to be eating.




there are many reasons we're living longer. better medicine (we're still sick but living longer, not sure that's a great trade, though things that killed people young like small pox, basic infections, etc... are gone). better sanitation and personal hygiene. and on and on and on... eating meat, especially the way it's raised and prepared nowadays, clogs arteries, raises blood pressure, causes some cancers, etc...



wow. either you work for big food, are a meat, dairy, and sugar addict who can't face his addiction, don't know what real scientific evidence is, or some combination of the aforementioned

people, don't believe some random person (including me) on IMDB, or anywhere on line for that matter. do your own research and draw your own conclusions. but actually do research. watch documentaries, read studies, listen to testimonials, and even go plant based for 30 days and see if there's a difference. check your vitals, weight, etc... ahead of time, so you know if there's a difference



Why do you bother with a guy whose handle is Rape Is A Social Construct? If he actually believes what his user name suggests, then what makes you think you could talk ANY kind of sense to him??
Sometimes it's just as simple as that.
*beep* off, you goddamn *beep* *beep*


"When mankind was in its infancy" it ate meat any time it could get its hands on it. We have evolved as omnivores. The fact that we have teeth, digestive systems, and metabolisms that can process meat is proof that we are meant to eat it. Please join us in the non-ideological, scientific world.


Okay, so humans get sick when eating meat right? Gotcha.

But do humans get sick while eating fish? Apparently, fish is not considered a meat AND Japan has the longest life expectancy out of any country and they eat fish.

So we are not carnivores, nor herbivores. We are actually pescetarian. We were meant to eat light seafood and plants.


This takes into account our canines and debunks the fact that many humans do not really fall sick to fish (of course now they do with the amount of mercury and GMO related poisons).

I will have to watch the video you suggested; however, life expectancy is HUGE when debating and this whole documentary was about measuring mortality rates.

Reminder: The O.C. resets to its first episode on POP network April 1 @ 2 p.m. EST


I would respectfully suggest that your assumption re: Japan is a case of 'correlation' rather than 'causation'. The absence of sugar - historically, at least - in the Japanese diet would appear to be the cause of their longevity. Case in point being that since many Japanese adopted a Westernised diet of fast food, sugary drinks, and processed food loaded with high fructose corn syrup, they have seen a spike in health issues and obesity.

According to CBC News, "Nutritionists blame a shift away from traditional staples like sushi and soybean paste food to fast food and highly-processed snacks." (Lucy Craft)


That too; however, fish has some pretty good properties. Omega 3 fatty acids have shown to play a role in health. Additionally, vaccines were HUGE breakthrough that truly elongated people's lives.

In terms of U.S. vs. Japan, processed foods is a difference. Prior to that, meat even played a huge role as well. Red meats are worse for you than vegetables and fish.

RIO OLYMPICS!!!! August 5th!


OP is spouting unscientific BS. Your teeth, digestive system, and metabolism prove that you evolved as an omnivore, to eat both meat and plants. It is normal, natural, healthy, and moral for you to eat meat. Not eating meat is unnatural and unhealthy.
