MovieChat Forums > One Day (2011) Discussion > The Dexter character is completely unlik...

The Dexter character is completely unlikeable.

Just sayin'!


I agree. Even before Dexter got famous and became a jerk, as even his mother pointed out to him, I already didn't like his cockiness. For the whole film I thought he was a worthless creep, only until that late stage when he learned a few good lessons about being a better person, from her. Too little too late, though.


Agreed. I've read the book as well. Even at the end, it was hard for me to sympathize. I obviously did when Emma died, and his mum of course. This is a boy who had [seemingly] supportive parents, particularly his mum, and later on, a supportive friend (Emma) — I just wanted to give him a good shake. He also had financial stability provided by his parents.

I'm not saying that people with money, etc don't have problems, but Dex didn't come from an abusive household (from what we know) and had it a lot better than most. Like I said, hard for me to feel any ounce of sympathy for the guy when most of his problems were brought on by himself.


He is supposed to be. You are not meant to like him - at least for 90% of the movie. That was how he was written in the book - and that is what made the story interesting, because not everyone is nice and likeable.


agreed he was such an ass and very annoying.
