MovieChat Forums > One Day (2011) Discussion > So was most of it supposed to be a dream...

So was most of it supposed to be a dream?

I got the impression that maybe Dexter fell asleep in 1988 and had a dream about the next 20+ years being full of waste and sadness -- then he woke up the next day and was inspired to put his relationship with Emma on a more romantic basis from the very start. But then the editing toward the end was kind of murky, wasn't it?



You're not alone OP, that was what I thought happened as well...UNTIL the scene with Dex and his daughter on the hill. But for the sake of optimism, I just told myself that the lives we saw throughout the film just went on on one plane of existence, while on another, Dex was purposely doing things differently in the hopes of changing his and Emma's lives for the better.

There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?


i got the impression that it was a dream althought i am not quite sure and this is why: their romantic relation seemed to have ended when they didnt have sex and so the fall a sleep and thats all we see till 1 year later. in the flashback they are kissing and seemed very much into one another wich is something we are told never happen when they exchange number on the flashback they had a big kiss and dexter tell her they would see each other again in a really romantic way so i dont think when they saw each other again they just decided to be friends. Besides the face and expression dexter does when Em wakes him up is of surprise, confusion and/or relief as well as happiness what leads me to think that on the moment dexter decided to have a romantic relation with em from the beggining instead of wasting time being separate from one another and thas why they are kissin and about to have sex whey they run up with dexters parents before entering dexters apartement. this leads me to hink he was dreaming. but the scene of he and the daughter on the hill makes doubt (he did went with em to the hill)

let me know what you think


I kindof agree with you, though I'm sure it's likely because I'm ridiculously optimistic and a sucker for happy endings. It kindof makes sense too since we only see the one day each year, and with dreams we often experience them somewhat choppy, jumping from moment to moment, like they did. I know (from the message board, since I haven't read it) that this wasn't part of the book, but I think in the movie they do leave it open as a possible interpretation, even if it isn't the traditional one. They do have a scene on the hill with the daughter, but again that could be on the "plane of existence of the dream timeline", again something for younger-Dex to remember as he lives out his life- remember what truly matters.


There was nothing murky about the film. You just had to pay attention. The ending with the flashback showed how their first day ended. It closed the loop, if you will. Seems a lot of people don't want Emma dead and hope she's still alive....


Sounds like the explanation of LOST.


From reading the book you understand that its a flashback but i can see why it would look like a dream.
My view of it is that at the end Dex is remembereing their first day together jsut reminiscing really. Also what you find is that Emma gives dex her number. So you can assume he was the one who contacted her and started off their friendship, as all along throughout the film it seems like Dex is less bothered about Emma than she is him. It shows that even from the day they met he has cared for her.
I love the ending.

R.I.P Heath Ledger =[



No, it's the first of all the St Swithins days they had. It reveals how close they came to having a fling but why they ended up friends instead. It's a happy ending, rather than a father mourning the love of his wife.


In know this is an old post, but I've only just now seen the movie.

According to Wikipedia, St Swithins is this: His historical importance as bishop is overshadowed by his reputation for posthumous miracle-working.

Is that anything...?

I think I didn't understand the movie.
