I liked it

Yes it is "just" a teenagers vs vampires(ish) slash, bite and gore fest.
But... it is well done.
Unlike with most movies in this genre I actually sort of liked the young kids in this movie.
The director manages to make them look sympathetic within a few minutes.
At least to me.
No shallow 1 dimensional hip groovy wise cracking babes and studs, but more realistic kids.
You won't cry and be broken hearted when they start dying, but you do feel kind of sorry for them.
The main character is a great girl, I instantly liked her and wanted her to make it trough the ordeal.

The story is a (small) step above average, good setup, not much depth there but it works and you accept it.
The makeup is scary without going over the top, the location is lovely horrendous and after a good introduction of the main characters things soon start going bad and you want to know what happens next and actually want the hero to survive.
So in that aspect the movie did what a good movie should do.

I enjoyed it, liked the surprise ending, technically its pretty good as well.


Agreed. It was entertaining.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!
