Not a comedy

Watchable, and would have been decent if they hadn't tried to force it into the set-up of a comedy. Like stuffing a fat girl in a girdle with pink frills.

I feel like they could have fixed this over easily if any one of these comedic veterans in the cast had said, "hey, you know what this isn't really funny... Nothing about this is funny...". Instead we have some jarring tone-content dissonance that transforms what could have been good into *beep*

Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness.


"tone-content dissonance" Such as what?


Not OP, but perhaps they are talking about how there might be extremely serious scenes such as Zach's character telling Owen's character his dad died "ruined by" the guard running back to attack Zach. There are several cases of this throughout the film, with the serious tones juxtaposed with the slapstick/lighter comedy.


Maybe it's because I love dark comedies, but I think the dark comedies I love aren't ruined at all by the tone-content dissonances (contrasts between content and tone) in them. In real life when you're weary something is sometimes both tragic and funny.


Not a Road trip either , as the imdb (and Amazon) description claims
