Has Anyone Seen It?

Is it good? Is it on DVD? Where can I see it/find it?


Not well executed, too dangling for a Film which pushes the profane and aims at being a twisted black comedy. Not sidesplittingly funny, but fast enough for viewers to overlook big gaps in character development and story rational. John Swihart's score is relentless and not winner. At the end, flops.


loved it.


I say go see it for yourself and be your own judge. Unlike most people here, I did find the movie quite amazing and enjoyable. It's not a heavy-serious type of movie. It's actually quite a fun ride, and not for one second I was bored.

-Waits for someone to say I have a poor taste in movies-
Everyone's different, just remember that. Cheers!


I thought it was hysterical and fast paced, very enjoyable


Rather jerk myself off on the couch... hate this kind of 'films'...




I found this money to be hilarious and enjoyable. & Mr. Dempsey is a definite fox!



I watched this movie on Netflix streaming (May 2014). Don't know how long it will stream there, but at least you can find it on Netflix.


I thought it was great. It's not high-brow or anything, but if you've got a boring evening with nothing better to do it's a good enough movie.
