Proof Mila can't act

She is terrible in this. Really bad. Shows, more than anything, unless she's fkn the director, it's hard to get a good performance out of her. She's mediocre at best in RE films, but here she's terrible.

The film had a great premise, but such bad execution, that it's a real shame. I think someone with a better imagination and better directing skills could remake this into something special.


Oh I thought she did alright.

We are all Scott Olsen.


I agree with the majority of the posts above in that I thought she did a rather good job and was fairly beleiveable. I have more issues with the script.


She definitely overacted in a few parts.

She needs to stick to mindless horror/sci-fi/action stuff.


At least she was good in The Fourth Kind and The fifth element.


She's a good actress, anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. Is she the best? Probably not, but she's convincing enough, and that's all that matters.

Seriously, how pedantic can some of you get.


I thought she was fine in her role. She isn't a fantastic actress but she's certainly better than some people give her credit for. I wouldn't even say this was one of her strongest performances, she was at her best in .45, The Fourth Kind, Stone and The Fifth Element.


Where's the proof, therahman? Milla (not Mila) Jovovich is a professional actor and very good. Don't blame her for the poor script or story, OK? Did you see her
in Stone or A Perfect Getaway? If you had, you'd know she's very good. Usually, when a movie is bad these days, it's the writing, script or direction--rarely the acting, because there's a glut of good actors out there, but the producers want formulaic crap and so they step all over the writing or script. I also didn't like the movie that much, but it wasn't because of Milla!


You tell 'em Arthur!

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Her acting was fine, what about anything she did was poor? She was the best actor in it.

Who do you consider to be a great actress then RAHMANNOODLE?

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


Anybody that thinks Jovovich wasn't terrible in this movie doesn't know what good acting is. Horrible movie with a really bad lead performance. Waste of a good thriller premise.


Is it too difficult to distinguish between a terrible film and terrible acting? Mila did all she could to attempt to legitimize this script, which was pretty bad... but I think she personally did as good as you could ask for this role. She's a fine actress.
